Hey guys

I just can't believe that we're almost at the end of this

At the present we have 7 participants left:
starzsgirl (ChesireCat) *
Dragonfly (Nevermore)
egeria (Ms. MacAbre) *
Miss_Undercover *
Stee (ghoStee) *
cathwillows (halloweellows)*
Participants with *'s indicate that a skip has been used

If you have you used a skip and you're not mark please let me know!
So just a heads up, that the challenges will probably get tougher as we go continue, I'm thinking of something interesting right now so the challenge won't come up until either later tonight or sometime Thursday

If everyone gets their icons in, we'll be looking at something like this:
Challenge 10 (down to 5 participants)
Challenge 11 (Semi Finals) * (down to 3 participants)
Challenge 12 (finals) * (where we'll crown a winner and the runners up)
* If anyone has any problems with the way I have it set up, let me know and we could try something differently
So it's very important that everyone try their best to enter, that way everything can go as planned