Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing-Winners Up'

Oh wow I didn't think I would win, thank you all so much! :) Congrats to miss_undercover as well.

Sorry to see you go cathwillows and Meg, you both did amazing though out this.
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing-Winners Up'

Aww sory to see you two go cathwillows and Dragonfly:(

And congrats starzsgirl and Miss_Undercover, great icons!:)

whoa, I can't believe I'm still in...I'm very excited about the next round!:)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing-Winners Up'

Well, I can't say I'm surprised :lol: I honestly can't believe I made it this far. It's a lot better than I've done in any other LIMS, so I can't be disappointed.

Congrats to starszgirl and Miss_Undercover, fantastic work!

I can't wait to see what's next, because now I can sit back and laugh at those who are still in :p
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing-Winners Up'

So sory to see you guys go cathwillows and Dragonfly :(

Congrats to starzsgirl and Miss_Undercover on your wins!

Never thought I'd make it this far. Looking forward to the next round!
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing-Winners Up'

Oh... :eek: Thanks for the Seriously Wicked Win Banner ! ;)

And congrats starzsgirl to your win. I like your icon very much !!

It's really sad that with cathwillows and Dragonfly.... :(
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Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing-Winners Up'

Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. I've been really sick the past week :( I should have the next round up Wednesday. If I start to feel worse, I'll see if someone can put it up for me.

Thanks so much for your cooperation :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 11-Star Wars '

First of all, I'm so sorry that I have been so slow getting the next challenge up. I've been sick the last couple days and I've been meaning to get the challenge up but when I had the time I wasn't feeling well.


Restrictions: "no textures/gradients" Brushes/fonts are fine

For this challenge, the only restriction is that textures and gradients can not be used. Brushes and fonts are alright.

For this round, I'm going to try something different, you can choose to use the caps I've provided or one of your choosing. If you do choose to use another, please send a link to the cap so that when I put voting up I will give a link to the cap so the voters can see how much has been done to the original :) I hope I'm not confusing anyone :lol: Also, this round you will be making 2 icons! I will post both of your icons/caps as a set. If you have any problems with doing it this way, let me know :)


If you would like more caps this is a good site

~ This is an anonymous challenge do not post your icons anywhere else until the challenge is over.
~ Your icons must not exceed 100x100px. It should be in .jpg, .png or .gif format.
~ No animations will be permitted.
~ Submit your icons by sending me (Something_wicked) a PM with the subject line Misc Lims Supernatural or similar.
~ If you are unable to send PM's, you may use the hotmail address in my profile. Just include TalkCSI in the subject so it doesn't go in the junk folder
~ You must submit 2 icons!
~ The deadline for submissions will be Saturday, November 21. Since we're towards the end, I'm willing to extend until all icons have been received :) All skips have been used :)
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Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 11-Star Wars

Ooh, nice theme! Now I'm disappointed :( :lol: But can't wait to see what everyone come up with!

Good luck :thumbsup:
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 11-Star Wars

Just a reminder that entries are due in today :) So far I've only received entries from two people, I'm willing to extend the date since we're at the end so we can have an even amount for the final round :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 11-Star Wars

One participant has asked for an extension :) I'm still waiting for one more person's icons, if you're still in please let me know either by posting here or sending me a message. Thanks :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 11-Star Wars

Mine are in! Great challenge :D