Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I don't watch Supernatural but I'll see what I can do. At least I did okay in the last Supernatural Challange ;)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Would anyone like to do classic shows like I Love Lucy, Bewitched etc?
That would be awesome.

Yes! For us older folks! ;) I'm just not into some of these other hip youngster shows. :lol:

Young whippersnappers!

Yes, I think that would be a great idea. :D
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I watch never this TV show but the caps are really great !
Can't wait of the voting here !
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Oh, I've never watched Supernatural, but I've picked my cap, and am about to make my icon. ;)

As for suggestions, hmm... How about James Bond? Desperate Housewives? Brothers and Sisters? George Clooney? Hugh Jackman? Indiana Jones?
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

ohhh i'm definitely all for James Bond (the Daniel Craig one, of course). and Hugh Jackman. :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Mine's in, even though I have never watched the show, it was fun to make. :D
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I sent mine in last night I think. I actually loved the caps so I was happy. :lol:

Kristine it's... Supernatural. :lol: Involves like all kinds of things that are "supernatural". I don't watch it but my friend does and she's always going on about it. Pretty sure it involves demons, angels, vampires, and all kinds of things. o_O Someone else can probably better describe it. XD
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

If someone didn't already suggest Star Wars and Star Trek, I'd say those two. Also, maybe Battlestar Galactica? *baking cake as bribe for BSG challenge*

http://www.bubblefrog.net/dotclear/images/Battlestar/Jamie.jpg (<-- Apollo thinks it's a good idea.)

Ooh Star Wars!!!!! Only if it's the original three though (can't stand the newer ones lol)

I wouldn't mind doing icons for the new Star Trek movie though. It rocked!

Ok, just sent mine in but after seeing those caps I have to ask wth? is this show? :lol:

It's about two brothers who go on a journey together killing baddies such as evil supernatural creatures, demons, etc. When the youngest brother was just a baby, the boys' mother was killed by Azazel (aka the yellow eyed demon), so the boys and their dad went on a quest to find and kill the demon responsible for it. When the younger brother goes to college, yellow eyes kills his fiancee, so Sam (the younger bro) goes on a journey with his older brother Dean from there on (their father was elsewhere) to find and kill the demon Azazel. It's an excellent show if you're into that kind of stuff. For me, this show is the filling the void left when Buffy The Vampire Slayer ended. :)
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Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

If someone didn't already suggest Star Wars and Star Trek, I'd say those two. Also, maybe Battlestar Galactica? *baking cake as bribe for BSG challenge*

http://www.bubblefrog.net/dotclear/images/Battlestar/Jamie.jpg (<-- Apollo thinks it's a good idea.)

Ooh Star Wars!!!!! Only if it's the original three though (can't stand the newer ones lol)

I wouldn't mind doing icons for the new Star Trek movie though. It rocked!
I liked the newer Star Wars movies well enough. Particularly the Hayden Christenson part... :drool: I would not mind spending hour on icons if it involves staring at pictures of him for extended periods of time... Then again, Luke Skywalker was also pretty cute, so it's all good.

Ok, just sent mine in but after seeing those caps I have to ask wth? is this show? :lol:

It's about two brothers who go on a journey together killing baddies such as evil supernatural creatures, demons, etc. When the youngest brother was just a baby, the boys' mother was killed by Azazel (aka the yellow eyed demon), so the boys and their dad went on a quest to find and kill the demon responsible for it. When the younger brother goes to college, yellow eyes kills his fiancee, so Sam (the younger bro) goes on a journey with his older brother Dean from there on (their father was elsewhere) to find and kill the demon Azazel. It's an excellent show if you're into that kind of stuff. For me, this show is the filling the void left when Buffy The Vampire Slayer ended. :)

Thanks for the summary for us non-SPN peeps :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Ok everyone, just a heads up that signups are now closed. You have until Friday June 5 to get your icons in.
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I'm actually early for once! Got mine done and turned in last night. Now I'm just going to sit back and relax until the voting starts.