Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Don't know why it did that, but thanks for letting me know. I have it fixed ;)

Yay ,even amount :D

Hmm..does this mean I shouldn't enter? I don't to ruin it with an odd amount. ;)

I'm not so sure about this, but I think I might give it a try.
Figure I'll be out quickly and then the pressure willl be off. :cool:

And if I might throw out a couple of suggestions for future consideration: Torchwood, Doctor Who, Land of the Lost (the show from 1974, not the movie), and don't know if this will work since they're mostly black and white, but I'd love to try the old Universal Horror Movies...Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, etc. :)

It's very alright for you to enter :p I just have this hatred for anything that ends with an odd number. It might just be apart of my obsessive compulsive disorder ... ha. The more participants the better.

I'll be up to doing some of the classic horror movies, if I can find good enough caps :)

Would anyone like to do classic shows like I Love Lucy, Bewitched etc?
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

It's very alright for you to enter :p I just have this hatred for anything that ends with an odd number.

I have something similar. When I wake up in the mornings, I hate getting out of the bed unless the last number on the clock is a 0 or a 5. :lol: It's so weird and I don't know when I started to care about the numbers on the clock. :lol:
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Oooh supernatural! :D

Awesome, I'll see what I can come up with!
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I knew you would come uo with "Supernatural" as your first choice, you love Jensen too much, don't you? :lol:

Ok I've never had the opportunity to watch this show, unfortunately (yeah I think it must be quite good), but I'll see what I'll come up with
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I knew you would come uo with "Supernatural" as your first choice, you love Jensen too much, don't you? :lol:

Ok I've never had the opportunity to watch this show, unfortunately (yeah I think it must be quite good), but I'll see what I'll come up with

:p Not just Jensen ... but Jared too ;) hope everyone has fun with the challenge :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Oooowwww, Natty's been pushing all afternoon :cool:. Never done it before, but I'm in. Anything to make my girl happy :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

First theme will be one of the best :D I love supernatural :adore:
i've never made Supernatural icons before, so I think it's a great start :shifty: :lol:
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Do I even need to mention how much I love the theme? :D

Oh, now comes the hard choice. Cas or Dean? Ooh! Or Bobby! *hyped* :lol:

*needs to sleep over it* :shifty:
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I've never watched Supernatural....but none the less my icon is in. :)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

I thought that those of you who make other artwork about other shows etc would like to join this LIMS. I'll try to keep everyone's interests in mind as I choose the themes for each challenge.

So how about some ...

- Sign Ups
- Ideas for TV Shows
- Ideas for Movies
- Ideas for any bands/singers
- Ideas for actresses/actors
- If you have any other ideas, post them here as well :)
* Just keep in mind there will probably be way to fit in everyone's ideas, but we could always use them for the second one, according to how this one goes ;)


LIMS simply stands for last icon maker standing.


* If you want to participate, please sign up by placing a comment in this thread.

* You can only submit one icon per round, using only the screencaps provided.

* Each participant will receive one free pass (if something comes up and you are not able to enter, just pm me saying you would like to use yours).

* In each round, the icon makers with the least amount of votes will be voted off.

* One icon will receive a Challenge Runner's banner ... I really need to come up with a catch name, huh?

* In every round, in addition to voting for three of least quality, everyone will be asked to vote for their favorite icon as well, and the winning icon will receive a Voter's Choice banner.

* Anyone and everyone may vote in the LIMS.

* More specific details will be posted with each round The first round will be posted when we have enough people signed up.

* But most importantly have fun and let the comments help you improve your icon skills.

If there are any questions, ask :)

Who's In:


* Credit for the rules goes to The very Awesome Dragonfly

Sign Ups will close Friday May, 29 :)

I'm in totally

Also for the Supernatural Challenge(i"M in)
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Just sent mine in :) I've never watched Supernatural but I've been interested in watching it for awhile.
Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up"

Just a reminder that sign-ups close tommorow around 10 (GMT -4) and that icons will be excepted up until 12 pm (GMT -4) on June 5, no extensions will be given. If you're unable to meet the date, make sure to give me a message :)