Misc Holiday Fan Art Gift Exchange

I just received some wonderful gifts from Hannah06_95 :) Thanks so much.


Gibbs Ziva Martina More Martina Lady A Banner Lady A Icon Frog

Garcia and Morgan
Garcia More Garcia G/M Derek and Penelope
http://s153.photobucket.com/albums/s237/Hannah06_95/Misc art exchange gifts/
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Hello! Great work in here! I received my misc. fan art gifts a few days ago but have been busy and not on the board much. I want to thank AxelsonFire for the beautiful gifts! The Bourne wallpaper is my fav, love it!!!
Thank you so much!


Chase icon
Band of Brothers banner

I will start working on mine tonight, I'm sorry I'm running so late!
I havent finished mine yet!! They'll be done until tonight! Sorry sorry !

EDIT: Sent mine :)
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Did everyone get there stuff? Does anyone have a little bit of free time? I need a favor....please PM me!
A few people didnt get their stuff and I cannot find me list of who had who....so I need everyone to PM me and tell me if they sent their stuff and to who....thanks!