Season 2, for me. Excellent chemistry with the cast, a variety of storylines (which were for the most part, distributed among everyone), and there seemed to be more of a balance between fun and seriousness. There are very few episodes I disliked in season 2 ('The Oath', and 'Complications', basically) and the finale left me excited for what lay ahead more than any other finale I've seen so far.
Oh, and Speed.
Not gonna lie.
Coming in at a close second is probably season 8, because I rather enjoyed the breath of fresh air that the writers tried to inject into the show with the introduction of Jesse, Walter, and Tom. I know they weren't everyone's cup of tea, but I felt that the show was brought back to what I loved about it in the first place with their inclusion.
Oh, and Speed.
Coming in at a close second is probably season 8, because I rather enjoyed the breath of fresh air that the writers tried to inject into the show with the introduction of Jesse, Walter, and Tom. I know they weren't everyone's cup of tea, but I felt that the show was brought back to what I loved about it in the first place with their inclusion.