CSI Level Three
Hoorah for Lady Heather!!! I'm new to these here, so I am just now discovering all the amazing threads... So please forgive me if I seem " unknowledgeable" about things that are old hat to the tlrest of you all... I digress... I think one of my favorite things about the Dominatrix is that she has so much class and this air of great understanding about her...
Hello Crusader!
She was always one of my favorite characters. If nothing else,she was one of the only people that could get through to Grissom and make him more of a human being at times.
Hello Ninja!
I totally agree with you! Not only did she understood Grissom but Grissom totally understood her too! That's cool!:thumbsup:
BTW, Melinda fans I just found out that Nikita will be returning for Season 3 on Oct 19th. Of course that's on a Friday night.
I'm wishing the time will be at 7pm or 9pm and not 8pm! I love watching Grimm at 8pm which has returned on Friday nights.
I need to see what happens to Amanda in the Season 2 finale.