Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I love how Melinda said in the interview that she can slip into Lady Heather like a glove. It's so well written.

It sure is and here's to you Melinda for doing such a fantastic job and making us fall in love with her. :D
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

hhunter said:
I love how Melinda said in the interview that she can slip into Lady Heather like a glove. It's so well written.

It sure is and here's to you Melinda for doing such a fantastic job and making us fall in love with her. :D

Amen Hh!!!

I love her character. :p
I actually thought about watching my other show BUT......
I love the Lady too much not to watch.


Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

WPRMW, I read that you stop watching csi because you were disappointed, I can easily understand that one can be disappointed ! I'am happy you will watch CSI again because of the come back of Lady Heather. I hope that the ratings will be outstanding, that she will bring back old viewers. Not that I attach too much importance to ratings but... I will be happy if the ratings are especially good when she is in an episode. :D
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

thanks for translating that lieueitak
You're welcome. :)

I definitely agree with her comment that she slips into it like a glove. I think the danger with LH's character is that it could so easily turn into something stupid and silly. Melinda brings the perfect amount of sensuality and humanity to the role.

Is it Thursday yet?
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I am an extremely avid GSR shipper, and I am really looking forward to Lady Heather's return. There seems to be this false dichotomy in CSI fandom (not necessarily here, but other places I've been) between Sara and Lady Heather--like they're constitutionally opposite to one another, and if you like one, you can't like the other. Although I don't ship Lady Heather and Grissom, I do like Lady Heather as a character and enjoy her appearances on the show. Therefore, I'm really looking forward to her return on Thursday.

It's my secret hope that Lady Heather will have some illuminating interactions with Sara. I think they have a lot of common ground--ground that isn't necessarily restricted to Grissom--and I'd love to see that explored a bit. I guess I'm just not interested in a predictable "Sara gets jealous of Lady Heather" storyline. I mean, Sara's mother killed her father in order to end the abuse in the household; Lady Heather nearly killed the man who killed her daughter. They could have quite a fascinating little convo. Anyway, Thursday should be good fun, no matter what happens.
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I think you put that very well LadyDisdain
I on the other hand am a GLH shipper and really look forward to seeing Lady Heather's return.

I do think LH and Sara would have a lot to say to each other as smart, independant women and not nessicarily about Grissom.
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I am an extremely avid GSR shipper, and I am really looking forward to Lady Heather's return. There seems to be this false dichotomy in CSI fandom (not necessarily here, but other places I've been) between Sara and Lady Heather--like they're constitutionally opposite to one another, and if you like one, you can't like the other. Although I don't ship Lady Heather and Grissom, I do like Lady Heather as a character and enjoy her appearances on the show. Therefore, I'm really looking forward to her return on Thursday.
I could not agree more. I don't really understand why people hate Lady Heather. All I can say is if GSR are truly meant to be together, then Heather being in an episode shouldn't be a problem.

I mean it's obvious, to me at least, that LH and Grissom are attracted (or were attracted) to each other. But again, that doesn't automatically spell out trouble for GSR. Certainly, it doesn't seem like Heather to compete for a man's attention. So like I said, unless there's a problem between Gil and Sara that makes them want to seek another person's company, I don't see how LH would be a problem.

Hopefully any potential Sara/LH conversation wouldn't go down the lame cat-fight route. As hhunter said, both women are smart and independent, as well as interesting.
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I forgot to say Thank you too. :eek:
Thanks for translating lieueitak. :D

alienor said:
WPRMW, I read that you stop watching csi because you were disappointed, I can easily understand that one can be disappointed ! I'am happy you will watch CSI again because of the come back of Lady Heather. I hope that the ratings will be outstanding, that she will bring back old viewers.

CSI just got boring for me. And Grissom no longer has the beard. I prefer the Beard, it's so dang sexy on WP. :p
I am not too interested in any of their personal lives period. This show is supposed to be about Crime, Victim, Suspect, right?

People keep denying that it's not soap, yet I always hear that word with CSI these days. :lol:

I just want my Melinda fix. I was a big OC fan and miss her character dearly. :(

More than anything, I am looking forward to screencaps of the Sexy Lady!

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I like both LH and Sara for Grissom. I'm a GSR shipper, until you throw LH into the mix. There should be enough Gil Grissom for all of us! I vote for LH/Sara/Grissom simultaneous lovin! Who's with me?
Yeah, try to get that one past the sensors! :lol:

He wouldn't just be HAPPY, he'd be BUBBLY!
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Just a reminder, there is a shipper thread. :)

Back to Melinda:

I had no idea there was a Lady Heather trading card?
Personally, I have never seen any CSI cards period, except online.
I just happen to see it at LHD. Thought I'd post the pic here....

Cool card! :p
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

WOW that is cool. ^^^ I love the Lady Heather trading card.

I'm glad there is more pictures out for her upcoming episode.
It should be a good episode. Anything that includes Lady Heather usually is. :D
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I hope they make another cool LH card for this season. :D

Speaking of cards.....

Here's another signed card. :)
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

did you get these from LHD?? ^^^ WPRMW???
*have to go visit today**

I have to say.. very cool Melinda autographs :)
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Actually I saw the cards on Ebay. But I did see the CSI one at LHD.

I didn't realise she had trading cards. Hmmmm I wonder if there's a Charmed card? Or an OC card?

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

God I love Lady Heather! She's so sexy and dark and... and awesome! I love her dearly and love the episodes she's in! I <3 Lady Heather!