Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Well, still no word on Melinda returning to television. :(

Just in case you don't know, Melinda will be celebrating her birthday on the 24th of April. :)

I should send her a birthday card. :thumbsup:

OMG, I actually sent her a card. :lol:
I have never done that know, sending a mail to a famous Actress/Actor. :p

This is a sweet photo. :drool:
I just watched "She drives me crazy". I love her! She's both beautiful and talented!! She is so underrated, it annoys me, when I watch movies and I think Melinda could do this role so much better!

That is a gorgeous picture, and she does indeed have "lovely lips".
I just watched "She drives me crazy". I love her! She's both beautiful and talented!! She is so underrated, it annoys me, when I watch movies and I think Melinda could do this role so much better!

That is a gorgeous picture, and she does indeed have "lovely lips".

That was a cute movie! :)

You can say that again WornSouls she is very underrated!! :scream:

I am patiently waiting for her to comeback to television. :drool: I want her to make a guest appearance on Greys Anatomy! Just thinking of Melinda & Patrick D. makes me drool like crazy. :drool::drool::drool::drool:

Of course she would be excellent in my favorite show "24 playing the bad person. :lol::devil: She makes evil sooooo sexy! :lol:

Speaking of sexy! :)
I bring you all some HAWT Lady Heather/Melina goodness. :)

Some new photos from "Lady Heather's Box." All of them consisting of Melina, except for one, I believe. And they're in HQ.

Here are two for your pleasure.

You can view them all here. :)
Was there a spelling error? I was too busy staring at the pictures. Now, don't you wish this new board software had a speel chekker? ...spill chekcer ...spele, yew no watt eye mene.
I cant' Thank you enough Shane!

Thanks for the new pics of Melinda. :drool: I miss her so much on television.

I bow to you my friend!

BTW, I like Melina as well. :) Two Beautiful Ladies!

I love those new pics!!!!
WOW! thanks Shane :thumbsup:

Those caps of Heather are great! I really like the ones of her and Gil in the same frame.
Thanks again for sharing them with us :D
Those new photos made my week! :thumbsup:

I would love to see more promos from TGTBATD. :drool: I'm sure there's more pics!

Melinda along with her OC stars. :)
She's looks absolutely edible in that picture! I'd love to see her do some period dramas, maybe something classical.