Hmm, well if Grissom found Millander, then we all know that they're going to collect the body and conduct and autopsy, etc. since it's a crime scene. I'm sure Doc Robbins would have noticed that it was a fake body. I'll go with spawn of Millander, or maybe an unknown accomplice, but I don't think it's actually Millander himself. And like it was said by JigsawJohn, Ernie Dell's message was in the same vincinity as Millander's victims were set up.
That magician guy, Zephyr, that would be pretty awesome too. And the thing with the dioramas and all, it's illusions, which is what magic is. Everything is illusions and misconceptions, paying attention to minute details to ensure the tricks come out correctly. I've wanted to see that guy come back, especially after the last shot of the episode was him in the back of the patrol car pulling a pair of keys, for the handcuffs presumably, out of his mouth. So....
Dr. Lurie, I don't know, I can't really see that in his fashion of murder. He killed the woman, whose name escapes me right now, and it was a one shot deal in love. So why would he begin to create dioramas with 'dead' dolls hidden as perplexing clues? It doesn't really mesh enough for me.
I would love to see the season finale tie up the MCSK, having Grissom catch him, or her, and then close out the season like that somehow. It's stayed together so well this far into the season, I can't see the MCSK going out quickly and very seemingly concrete. That's why I doubted that the MCSK was Ernie Dell, because it was back WAY too early in the season for a plot like that to go out and 2) it just didn't seem to fit right. I just love the plot line with the MCSK, the writers have done a fabulous job with keeping it air-tight and error free.