MCSK *No Spoilers*

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Ok so let's take what we know so far about the miniatures.
They miniatures are well thought out, perfected in every detail, and there is no evidence left on them. The doll pictures are from different angles just how CSIs photograph a scene. The first doll picture from the first miniature had somehow appeared in the fourth miniature suggesting that someone who had access to the miniatures placed it there. I noticed that the doll's eye color is the same as Grissom's. I thought that Ernie Dell's suicide show was in somewhat refernce to Grissom in that he states "I was born in 1946" (ten years before Grissom), "I'm not the sociable type"(Grissom isn't very social), "the promise of love" (Grissom and Sara), "look into the mouth of a person and you'll find lies wriggling there like maggots waiting to grow wings"(Grissom is the "bug man"), and finally "a man can kill from sun up to sunset and still his work will never be done"(everytime a man kills, Grissom has more work to do). I found it fishy that Hodges showed Grissom the menu. I think that there is something bigger that we can't see yet. I think we need to think outside of the box. Pun intended.
I think that Hodges fans are in trouble. I don't believe that he did it, and I don't want to. My fear is growing by the minute though. As of last nights ep (I haven't seen it yet, but I got a report) they don't suspect him...but it's still not looking good.
I don't know... I hadn't thought about it yet... but Hodges is a railroad fan and he pointed out the website that led them to Ernie Dell. Hodges does tend to... invade people's personal space and he seems to be on the prowl for a father figure. Hmm... Plus... the menus... this is just speculation, but given the MCSK's attention to detail and forensics... I think Hodges is a likely suspect.... Plus, he is UBER-CREEPY...
I agree , Hodges did seem to be a little strange(er) on last night's epi. And I get a strange feeling that Sara might become a victim...just my thought's.
Here are my thoughts. There are many of them.

1. The miniatures are super-anal. Hodges is super-anal, but he's not evil, just weird and obseqious, and he certainly isn't in his 20s. That's assuming their lead about one of the foster kids is good. But the writers like Hodges; they give him the snarky lines now.

2. If Sara even comes close to becoming a victim, I will mail TPTB. And I will be very angry. As far as manipulative, traumatic, the-joke's-wearing-thin plot devices go, that would be worse than Warrick's marriage.

3. Talk about strange? How weird was Nick? He kept going on about how it could be a cop or even a CSI, and how such things can happen, etc. Obviously, though, it's not Keppler, since the writers only thought him up because Billy left, and he's dead anyway.

4. The continuity fairy has officially begun visiting CSI. I mean, on a regular basis. It's thrilling. First GSR, now a serial killer, Warrick's even calling his wife, for Pete's sake. There is a definite possibility that we will have some reprised lines, recurring themes, and, gasp, possibly the return of an old villain or two. I think Millander is unlikely to come back, as is Magician Guy, but Lurie's a definite possibility. The writers went to great pains to emphasize that he was a lot like Grissom; the hair, the beard, reading glasses, his age, they're both doctors, they have jobs that require long hours, intelligence, and a higher education, the list goes on and on and on. And moreover, consider this: We never got into Lurie's house. We don't know if it's all obsessive-compulsive, all-implements-one-inch-apart, squeaky-clean, evil-model-creating-workshop-in-the-basement. We don't know at all. And we never saw the killer's face when he delivered that package on camera, did we? We only saw the jacket. He could have borrowed it from Ernie. I think there's a definite possibility that Lurie will finally leave his metaphorical toeprint on his metaphorical scalpel blade.

5. Methinks things will escalate now that our killer's got himself on the news. People are obsessed with themselves, and if this guy is anything remotely close to the degree of OCD and delerium I think he is, he'll be following himself obsessively. He'll use the news to figure out how close CSI is to him. He'll see what they have right and wrong, send in letters to the newspapers (as himself or someone else). He might even inject himself into the investigation somehow; make himself a witness, for example, or get himself barely saved from the "Miniature Killer." Victims, after all, are rarely suspects.

6. Right now, I think he's a very confused and irritated and frustrated serial killer. He killed the cop before his intended victim and someone else finished the job; the cancer-Fentanyl-woman (I think it was the second miniature) struggled and fell through a window before dying, so he had to fix the mini; his possible partner, Ernie, is dead; and that's not even mentioning his only now being featured in the news and the CSIs just finishing up his latest miniature now. I think he felt safe sending them the miniature because he is arrogant, assuming that even with a month, they wouldn't find anything. I think he put "Another Body Found!" on the miniature newspaper because he thought Grissom was going to give in to Ecklie and tell the news, and he's now frustrated because his miniature is imperfect and there's nothing he can do about it. And he's irritated because he can't perfectly read Grissom (whom he obviously knows in some sense), so I think the killings are going to pick up. And the more he kills, the more frustrated he will become, because he is imperfect and will continue to make mistakes. And I think, eventually, he will find Grissom and watch him, and sometime we'll catch him and see a half-finished miniature of Grissom's townhouse or his office. But I seriously doubt TPTB will attempt to kill him.
At least, they'd better not...
Someone on another board speculated that instead of being the MK, it's possible that Hodges is feeding information to the MK without realizing it. Think about it:

1) Hodges likes trains - he could be meeting this person at train-lovers meetings or something.

2) Hodges loves to talk. About anything. At work, he talks about himself and his relationships. Who's to say that when he's not at one of those meetings that he's not talking about people or situations at work?
Here are my thoughts on who it is:

I think it's Greg. (I love the guy but this season the writers have done things to his character that I don't like)

How I came to Greg is symply because he disapears when these lil minatures are delivered. Then when the CSI's are working on it, he disapears. (How convient.)

I first thought it could be Sofia but after watching 02/15's episode, I ruled her out. If she was the killer, why would she be working the servalance?
If Sara even comes close to becoming a victim, I will mail TPTB. And I will be very angry. As far as manipulative, traumatic, the-joke's-wearing-thin plot devices go, that would be worse than Warrick's marriage.

that's how I feel about the GSR! everytime i see those two together i want to throw the tv out the window...

I kind of want sara to be a victim now, just to get rid of that stupid storyline...

I am also beginning to think they are holding out info about jorja's contract because they are hinting that she is the killer...which would be pretty sweet.
I'm going to try to stick to what is known.

First, since at the time of the CSI pilot episode Grissom had supposedly been in LV for 15 years, that would place his arrival around 1985-86 -- right when the MSK would have been one of "Ernie's kids".

Second, in the baby picture that appears somewhere in all of the miniatures, there is an indication of a wound on the head of the baby. This indicates to me that whatever started the MSK on his/her path involves the death of a child.

Third, since the majority of people wind up in foster care due to the death/absence of one or both parents, the MSK could have wound up in foster care because Grissom, in one of his early LV cases, developed the evidence that sent the parent(s) of the MSK to jail.

Finally, all of the MSK victims before the therapist, might be considered hypocrites -- Dizzy, who posed as an animal rights activist, concealed the evidence that he had bitten the heads off of chickens; the second victim (I forget her name) sold the drugs for her cancer to fuel her gambling addiction; the guy who worked with Ernie Dell in the chicken plant was sleeping with the owner's wife.
i've got a theory about MCSK. i haven't read any of y'all's speculations so i may be repeating what someone said before.

i think the victims are the real parents of Dell's foster kids. the victims were all old enough to be parents in 1987 as far as i remember and this way they would be linked to Dell. i also noticed Izzy Delancy's pic is in all of the miniatures, he was also the first victim, so i think Izzy might be the real father of the miniature killer.

the case is IMO getting more personal for the CSI's, especially for Grissom. i think there may be a link to Sara, she was in foster care after all. in Nesting Dolls Sara said she doesn't remember the name of the woman that took her in foster care. i think she might be one of the temporary Dell's kids, not necessarily on the b-day video. Dell's son said they had dozens of fosters and there were only 13 on the tape. i think there is a connection. maybe Laura Sidle is in danger.
I believe we are on the same page, as they say. However, there is an implied threat mentioned. Think on what she told Gris about unravelling this case. What is more dangerous than the human mind...?
I was just thinking of the bloody doll. All of the victims appeared dead in the same position as the bloody doll. Izzy was found face down on the kitchen table, Penny was found through the glass window with her face to the ground, Raymundo was found face down in the stun bath, and the undercover officer was found with her head slightly tilted under the pillow. If you thing of the positions and the doll you'll understand that maybe he or she is killing based on that damn bloody doll.

I'm reviewing "Monster In The Box" and when Hodges appears with the menus his dialogue seems odd. He states "So they're going to be poisoned...she lays down for her usual nap, the cat sneaks a sip, and neither one of them wakes up again", What he should have said was "So they're going to be poisoned....she drinks her tea, she lays down for her usual nap, the cat sneaks a sip, and neither one of them wakes up". I think Hodges knew the tea wasn't poisoned and knew that the carbon monoxide would kill both the victim and the cat. I think MCSK or MSK or MK would have known that she would wear her bathrobe when she took her nap.

Alot of people I talk to believe that the killer had to have known the victims in order to remember every last detail for the miniatures but he/she could have had a photographic memory. This means the killer only had to have been in the house once.

I was also thinking of how MK misdirected us once with Ernie Dell being the killer so who's to say it won't happen again this season?

Wouldn't it be awesome if the MK next intended victim somehow found out about the miniatures and killed MK? The victim's reason could be "He was going to kill me, he should have been in jail, he's a criminal" and Grissom could be like "By killing the miniature killer before we could arrest him, you allowed him to become a victim, and now justice can't be served, and all those families won't be put to rest because you're under arrest". XD
I was having a seriously cracked up convo with a friend the other day. We were talking about the possibility of it being Hodges, so we came up with something to make us both feel better (well, it didn't take the stress off, but we laughed for 3 hours straight and I still laugh when I think of it)

Quote from my friend:
Nigel Crane, on orders from Mickey Dunn, who works for the ghost of Paul Milander. who is having an affair with the mother of Catherine Willows, and being controlled by Lady Heather, who spanks JFK, whilst being paid by Sam Braun
After that there was more about how the ghost of Holly Gribs is involved too, but that doesn't have so much to do with the MK (has to do with haunting lockers)
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