Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

I saw that too and thought it looked like her. I'm not one hundred percent sure, though, but it did look just like her.
I had a dream last night and Boti was in it. I got really excited and was gonna get my friend to take a pic of me and her, but he kept fucking around with the setting on my camera and then a herd of people came into the room and we couldn't take the picture anymore and I got really pissed at my friend and woke up.
Anyone know when Valera will next be on? Episode wise I mean.

Oh and I have a question? Was Boti in 'Ted Bundy'? The film? I can't remember... If it was she was good ;)
Yeah, she was in Ted Bundy. I didn't see it, but I know she was.

I don't know when she's gonna be on the show again, but I hope it's soon. She really needs more screen time.
hee hee! More than I would pay for a very feathery duck, but it sure was cute! Glad to hear she's so socially minded and looking out for others. I like to hear actors use their fame for good.
She's not in "CSI: My Nanny" either :( But she IS in "Guerillas In The Mist"
Edited to add spoiler code
dustymonkeky, you have to have 100 posts before you can post pictures here. Perhaps for now you can just post the link for us?