I've seen a couple episodes with the new cast, but I haven't tuned in to a new episode of CSI as it airs in over a year. I couldn't bring myself to do it, knowing that the cast has been halved. I know, I'm a bad fan.
But I'd been seeing all this hype about
OMG EPISODE 200 WOW! So... I tuned in this evening to see if it was as amazing as the constant promos were making it out to be.
It wasn't.
Langston and Riley don't hold my interest like Grissom and Sara did. I mean, Langston is "alright" and I like Mr. Fishburne as an actor, but... he doesn't have that dynamic spark that Grissom/Petersen always had. As for Riley, well, she bores the hell out of me, but she didn't have a big part in this episode so my opinion on her is neither here nor there for the purposes of this post.
Why was episode 200 all about Langston??? What about Cath and Nick and Greg? And what was with the bizarre directing? All the shaky, unecessary close-ups of the wresters seemed like filler. The scene with the drums and the dancing and the screaming... creepy, and not in the intriguing way. The dialog seemed jittery, too.
*sigh* I thought I'd come back to CSI and walk away singing its praises.
Not so much.