Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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I'd really love to see a Season 8 promo pic including the cast members that have been promoted to full cast members - like Louise Lombard.

Hottie - LOVE the icon!
I hope so.

I wonder if we'll get a Marg/Billy promo pic this year? That'd be nice :)

Of course, any piccies of Marg are great :D
They didn't have any cast promos last year, that makes me doubt we'll have some this year. :( But yeah, any Marg pics are great. :D
I think most of us already know that they're planning to bring Adam Novak back in the new season. This excites me. I love seeing Marg and Alan onscreen together. They are so adorable both in real life and onscreen. :D
*dances* Marg and Alan, Marg and Alan.

I LOVE them onscreen together.

That being said, I love them offscreen too :D
Heads up folks, as the season starts lets keep spoiler info out of unmarked threads, this includes discussions about future episode and pictures. There are alot of people that are trying very hard to remain spoiler free. Threads like this allow that freedom to discuss the actress/character without the temptation.

This is also the time we remind you about when episodes air, there are alot of time zones, therefore we have the rule that when the new eps air any discussion regarding them can not be done in unmarked threads (such as this) until the fineal time zone, so to avoid confusion it was settled on 1:00 est (which would be 10pm west coast time).

For those saying I am in a different country and not able to see it when you do, I am sorry I understand but per the rules of the board, all episodes are no longer new when it airs in the last time zone in the USA. While I understand this might not seem fair, thats how it is and any complaints about that should be directed to the QSF forum.

I thank you all for your time, please carry on with the discussions of your fav.
^ I thought the Adam Novak thing was more of news instead of a spoiler, but I see where you're coming from and sometimes it's hard to draw a line between news and spoilers. I'll keep it in mind. :)
Thank you and keep in mind like I said we have to put in the reminders and I am sure I will do so again when any or all new threads popup. :D
Hey everyone, I don't normally venture in here, but I do have a question that I think is best asked here.

How old would Lindsey be now? 15ish, 16ish? Would be lovely if somebody could help. :)
Hottie_Cath, your link to the transcript goes to this, Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /transcripts/csi/csi-6X24-way to go.txt on this server.

Might I recommend this site link for the ep Way To Go
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