Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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*squee* new thread! :D
You gals/guys should check out shane's website, he interviewed Allen McDonald, a CSI writer (the one who wrote Leaving Las Vegas).. and he talked about Catherine's controversial buttons scene. :devil: I didn't know they are also fans of the cleavage.
It was especially surprising that it was Sarah Goldfinger who came up with the idea. Hehe obviously the cleavage does have a lot of female fans besides us Margamaniacs. :devil:
OH MY GOSH! NEW THREAD!!! NEW NAME!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! *Runs around in circles to get rid of extra energy*

Ooo...How could I forget that button scene? Can I just take a moment to say HOTNESS?!?! LOL. :lol:
There is the All About Marg message board AAM. Right now that's the only Marg centered one I can think of.

If you ship G/C, There is Black Tie Affair. Even if you don't ship G/C, there is quite a bit of Marg goodness there.
lol, made a Yo!Bling Sound out of the Button Scene..

Cath: "If you answer one of my questions.. I unbutton a button.."
Warrick: "WOOHOOO!"

lol.. lil' MSN Sound.
CSI-Fan_Forever, I just watched your banner for the first time and OMG more hot Marg :)

And the glasses! *thud*
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