Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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Thanks guys! :) I couldn't have done the videos without Anne (Drumchik), though. If it weren't for the funny text/subtitle she created, the videos would have been just like any video. I think Anne's humor is a great treasure for us Marg fans. :)

Ana's picspam was really beautiful, wasn't it? It even had my eyes wet for a moment. :lol:
It even had my eyes wet for a moment. :lol:
You make it too easy for me to make naughty misinterpretations about what you write. But this is a PG-13 thread, so I will pass up the agonizingly beautiful opportunity you just threw my way to ask you a filthy question.

And yes, pic spam was gorgeous, as were those videos.

Marg fans are the coolest fans ever.
^ o_Oooo I feel SO deprived!!

Yeah, the videos ROCKED. I saved all of them on my hard drive just cos they are so unique, one-of-a-kind celebratory pieces that you won't just find anywhere...they are really treasures and I'm glad SOME Marg fans are creative enough to make them :) I'm sure Marg would be THRILLED if she were to ever come across them...Speaking of which, we were sending her the giant photo collage thing, right? Did we? Did she ever get it? Sorry if my facts are waaay's been a while since I sent in those horrendously ugly pictures of me! :p
You make it too easy for me to make naughty misinterpretations about what you write. But this is a PG-13 thread, so I will pass up the agonizingly beautiful opportunity you just threw my way to ask you a filthy question.
lol Em. I should've never let you know how she stole my hetero... never mind. :D But I can be innocent and all at times, you know. :lol:

Speaking of which, we were sending her the giant photo collage thing, right? Did we? Did she ever get it?
It has been mailed, but it's probably still on it's way to the studio since it usually takes one to two weeks for mail to arrive in the States from here. I'm not sure if it will get to her. I really hope she will get it, but I can't make any promise since it's not something I can control.
It has been mailed, but it's probably still on it's way to the studio since it usually takes one to two weeks for mail to arrive in the States from here. I'm not sure if it will get to her. I really hope she will get it, but I can't make any promise since it's not something I can control.

Sweet, thanks :) I was just wondering...and yeah, of course there is no guarantee that she'll get it (although I'm trying to stay optimistic!)...which sucks ;p But thanks for the info, it's what I wanted :)
I totally read it as they gave her a little birthday statue. Don't ask. :lol:

I'm not sure if this has been's Marg and her mom Kay on 20/20 back in 2003. It was a really nice interview. The two of them and Barbara were all great. :)
^^ Horay for Marg's statue! :lol: Just kidding!

I'm glad that they recognized her.

Nice pic with her mom. I love Marg's suit!
I totally read it as they gave her a little birthday statue. Don't ask. :lol:
*in a serious policewoman's voice with a megaphone*
Erica, step away from the computer. You've been working too hard and your brain is ready to explode! :guffaw:

*ahem* okay. Now that's out of the way... that's a great picture, E. I don't think I've seen that particular one, but I've seen a few others from that interview. Do we actually have the video of that? I can't remember. Maybe I need a vacation too!

Oh, and I FINALLY saw those Marg videos. Erica & Anne, you did a WONDERFUL job!!!
Thanks for your props, Erica. We make a good team :)

Glad to see Marg being recognised for her birthday. Yay Marg!
*in a serious policewoman's voice with a megaphone*
Erica, step away from the computer. You've been working too hard and your brain is ready to explode! :guffaw:
Gah. You could call my boss and tell him about that. I'd be forever grateful. :lol: Although a Marg statue would be so cute!

kaylyne said:
*ahem* okay. Now that's out of the way... that's a great picture, E. I don't think I've seen that particular one, but I've seen a few others from that interview. Do we actually have the video of that? I can't remember. Maybe I need a vacation too!
I don't think it's on the internet, but we do have it. I'll see what I can do. ;)

kaylyne said:
Oh, and I FINALLY saw those Marg videos. Erica & Anne, you did a WONDERFUL job!!!
Thanks a lot! :D

Here are some new pics of Marg from yesterday evening. She has her hair in a ponytail. That's a change and I like it a lot. :)
Erica, thank you so much for telling about this update. I was in Margamania photo gallery a bit earlier before it were posted. And now those pics were waiting for me to make me better after a long day:D

And wow, Erica and Drumchik, great work! And of course this picspam is really beautiful.
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