Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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Ha! I love those shoes :)

I'm trying to remember how much McMurphy gave her in Skin Deep to spend time with the burns victim. She said it was only going to buy her fifteen minutes so it must have been only $40. Then again, $40 was a lot for McMurphy to be carrying around!
Me_n_Marg said:
There was one major problem with last nights episode.

It did not need more cowbell.

It needed,


I totally agree. Not enough Catherine. But I have to say, the glasses were just HOT :drool: Cath is glasses is just so :drool: - worthy :D
I love that Marg has been wearing her glasses a lot more this season. It's like she's reading our pleas for more of her in her glasses!
I've just watched 9x02, and wow. :drool: the glasses look hotter on TV than in pics. I remember the hotness of the glasses now :D
She looks HOT and SMART without her glasses but she looks HOTTER and SMARTER with them :) MORE Marg and MORE specs!

lol I love that statement. It's so true!

To celebrate Marg's big 5-0, my friend Ana did a pic/vid spam in her LJ. It's a public entry so everyone can go and have a look. She's a great fan artist and did a great job with the pics. Go check! :lol:

Erica and Ana

Simply awesome!

I enjoyed your fan-videos and I can tell it was done with lots of love.

I saw lots of photos of Marg from her work other than CSI and China Beach.

She has always been gorgeous of course.:drool:

I think she would be a great person to down a couple of few beers with and have lots of fun.:)

HAPPY B-DAY MARG and many many more!!!
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