Hankster said:
I've always thought of Ecklie/Marc Vann as a John Malkovich wannabe/Squidward type. Now it seems he's playing a bit part in John Malkovich Movie called Art School Confidential! HOO HAH!!! We see the real guy and see Marc Vann as what he is A PRETENDER!!!
You say Marc is pretender?
Erm... I don't see your point. I've seen him in a few other shows and I think he does his job well.
Ecklie... well, you always need a character that you can hate. in Miami it's Stetler... NY doesn't have one but I'm pretty sure one will arrive :lol:
You say people shouldn't mix a character and an actor, but don't you... first you said Marc is pretender and then you say Ecklie is?