Good morning, afternoon, evening and night, SMacked Family.
How are you today? Fine? Excited? Happy? Well, I hope all of you are happy..
Debbie, hows your day? *Sighs*. I totally understand your condition earlier.. because I was the same 6 hours ago before i sleep. It does help me. Then I got more strenght to rant. *LOL!* Debbie you just made me dropped from my chair. Seriously, what you said is so true. TPTB is always the same and never change. Like you said, if we ever get them together! LMAO! Confession from Stella in front of Mac's Grave.. Yeah! It's always like that. Maybe we might get something like they got together when Mac's leaving the team. Then, we got letter from Mac to Stella saying he wanted to go through and overcome something.. (Familiar huh?) IT'S from GSR. LOL! :lol:
I'm the same.. I blame the writers! I blame the writers! I blame the writers! But I won't blame them from that long.. Because i know they will fix it! Right??? "Two members of our family afraid of you?" Mind to tell me who's that? =X! I guess you're right about considering us being Futile.. and have no respect for us! Hello writers.. YOU HEAR US??? Debbie, Mac did save Stella A YEAR AGO in Snow Day. That was a nice moment where Mac drags Stella covering her mouth and preventing her from being caught by terrorists. Both of them were so close together. LOVELY! :adore::adore:
AnJ, thank you so much for the advice. I'm better now.. Yes, I'm on the positive side because I know that Mac is going to make things right. He love Stella.. and I'm sure he will do everything for her. The bad time i had with *her* was as bad as now I think.
But it's okay. *Positive Side* Remember we saw Mac and P in bed then later we got so much SMacked moments. E.g. Mac pushes Peyton's hand away when he saw Stella coming, Stella kisses Mac's cheek when Mac approves that Stella can take the test in the lab. << i noticed something here.. When Stella was nervously asking Mac, Mac did enjoy watching her.. I saw Mac smiling when Stella was talking. :lol: And of course the hug from the ride in and Snow Day. Hmm.. Now then i realised. Mac did keeps Stella's word in mind. In the ride in, Mac was comforting Stella and says, "What is it you say to me, Panda A Es Taroos." Something like that which means "You always have the strength, you always have the guts." When he says "I'm here for you", That was AWWW!!! And i'm sure after they give us the fight, they will give us something like that again. They are trying to be fair. But it's sometimes not enough for us.:adore::adore: Anyway, AnJ, they are denying it.. And they are stupid! :lol:
Lori, Don't worry.. We are all okay now. Yeah, I'm starting to love the fight. ROFL! Make up sex.. That would make me :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:.
Evenin.. I totally agree with you that we are going to get something amazing this season. Don't bother about it anymore.. I'm just going to look forward on what will happen after the fight.

Probably a..... HUG that we've been dreaming from sooooooooooo LONG!

A kiss would just be perfect! :lol::lol::lol:
Karu, I totally agree with you too.. They are so pointless!! I just talked about surprise that will give us soon, yesterday. And that is the surprise they giving! What a good entertainer eH! *MeH*!
*Hugs* back Steph~ We are probably not fretting. We just love ranting and rambling. Yeah, I'm joining you there watching PURE HOT Mac and Stella.. Geezz.. I guess it would be :thumbsup::thumbsup: and :adore::adore: Mistletoe is really a brilliant idea.. Just hope that TPTB don't be so evil to us..
YAY LINDA! Thank you so much for those.. I love it! I love them! *Stares at them as long as i want* But I gotta go.. = (!
Going off.. *Hugs* to everyone.. I'm going to climb a mountain.. I mean real mountain to release my stress. Hee.. Of course i'm bringing Mac and Stella with me.. :lol:

Good night, morning, afternoon and evening!~ Have a good night sleep~! Sweet dreams..~