Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Be welcome to the Smacked world FFjunkie! :D

You are so lucky for having that episode next week! we still have to wait 6 episodes (well my countdown is until my long- expected Stella episode)!!!!!!!!!:beer:

Something i don't like: i read in another thread the actress who portrays Jordan was offered a 3-years contract UGHHHHHHHH:brickwall:

Hopefully she will say NO:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Be welcome to the Smacked world FFjunkie! :D

You are so lucky for having that episode next week! we still have to wait 6 episodes (well my countdown is until my long- expected Stella episode)!!!!!!!!!:beer:

Something i don't like: i read in another thread the actress who portrays Jordan was offered a 3-years contract UGHHHHHHHH:brickwall:

Hopefully she will say NO:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Why on earth would they offer her a 3-year contract? What's the point of that? Why would she need to be here for 3 years? Yeah, whatever.:rolleyes:

Well, no matter. Even if she is here for 3 years, Stella is here and there forever.:)
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

*squees* Thanks, Ranma and MJ, that stuff from "Right Next Door* just made my day!

You're welcome! Just PM me if you want more of the same stuff :devil: (and that goes for the rest of y'all) I'll do my best to update.

Right now I can't decide about that Quinn wuman --- she seems to know Mac from way, way back and/of which Stella knows nothing about :vulcan: But I'm still heartened by the fact that Mac clearly doesn't want to start something with the red-hair now.
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Than you Ranma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I'm still quite upset.:brickwall::brickwall:

With Peyton i've lost my tiny patience. I don't want another woman to screw up the closeness between them. Not now they seem to be so connected:devil:

I don't find anything good having the Red Head Lady around or worse than her... Jordan whatever:censored::censored::censored::censored::brickwall::mad:

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

That's great thanks msgirl!

Try not to get too angry or disheartened everyone! Mac obviously doesn't want to get involved with Quinn and judging by the way him and Peyton ended, I'd say it would take a lot to get them back together. All I've been doing so far is watching old eps on youtube and nearly every ep I see has some sort of smacked moment in it. We're on the way there and the waiting will only make the final result even sweeter :)
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

yes, SL. I know we have to wait but that's why i was upset. Having a lady around...well you know i wouldn't mind if we had a MAJOR hint to their feelings just like in Bones with Sully and Bones where we knew it was just a matter of time to get rid of him

i want more Smacked moments gzz :D

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Yeah, I don't think Mac wants a relationship with Quinn but it was obvious she did! So he ended it! Same with this new Lady...Jordan (is that her name?) :wtf:
I think they need to leave Mac's love life alone. Let he and Stella flirt, leave us hint to their relationship then... drop a few bombs on us, like seeing them in his apartment... the next morning. :evil:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I LOVE your ideas Hhunter :drool::drool::drool::drool:. Also they can use VaveAma's plot about "the making coffee scene at Mac's apartment":lol:

If they dont put them together right away's ok...i understand...

But at least a HINT Mac¬Stella are not going to be separated...

Right now i think Mac could end getting married with Lindsay or Angell:wtf: because there is a constant "fashion show" exclusive for Mac to pick up a new lady:klingon: And poor Stella is all behind in the shadows, going to confort him after Peyton's letter or worried till she was sick because of Psycho Drew or even jealous to death courtesy of Quinn

She is in love and we need more of that:drool:

I wonder what would happen if
Quinn pretends Stella's place to be close to Mac. That would be an AMAZING episode


ps: Go to the Modern Gallery Page. New Promo caps are up. Some made me smile. Same made me want to throw things at my computer LOL!
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

*squees* Thanks, Ranma and MJ, that stuff from "Right Next Door* just made my day! I can't wait to see this ep and I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong :)) that us here in the UK only have to wait till next week! :D
:thumbsup: long time no see there ffj! ^_^ np! im glad to be of service :lol:

to all->just tell me what i can do to make teh thread more MSwubbin-y :guffaw:

hhunter me love that.

EGAD. I'm absent for a couple o' days and I find out that RHL has been offered "more time"?! :censored: wth? did i miss something? seriously? :wtf:

....remind me to check on the thread more often :rolleyes:

btw, i have a request. I found this pic on google (i dont remember what site...) and I was wonderin' who knows how to turn this into an icon? i badly need a new icon :p Shows/ms.jpg
thanks. :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Sorry my dear. I have no earthly or idea of to do that kind of stuff. (You see I have no avatar.) I'm sure one of these amazingly smart ladies can show you.

Ooo, sorry guys my stomach hurts really bad. I think it's because I've thought too much of Quinn and her trying to screw everything up but... I hate being mean. But I gotta go. (Be right back.)

No seriously, I'm not feeling good today.:(
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

long time no see there ffj! ^_^ np! im glad to be of service

:D I know, I haven't been around much lately, I've got exams at school and haven't much chance to get on the computer, so it was very nice to come back to that! :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

That's great thanks msgirl!
Glad to help :D

Go to the Modern Gallery Page. New Promo caps are up. Some made me smile.
I can't access the sight so i can't see them

Let he and Stella flirt, leave us hint to their relationship then... drop a few bombs on us, like seeing them in his apartment... the next morning. :evil:
thats what i would like to see :lol:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

btw, i have a request. I found this pic on google (i dont remember what site...) and I was wonderin' who knows how to turn this into an icon? i badly need a new icon :p
thanks. :D

I don't know a bit about effects but i will try to make a simple one if you don't mind;)

Meanwhile, here is a wallpaper totally plain and simple i've made months ago

(i will back in a while. My lunch is waiting for me:p


ps: I'm backkkkkk!!!!!!!

As i said i know nothing about effects but i tried my best

I made two to have different options. Vaveama, you can pick one too!!! :D (I hope you will feel better, dear)

These are for my Smacked fellows

Ely: Go to the CSI NY forum and open the "Mac in Black" thread. Some fellow posted the promo captures from Modern Gallery. You can get them there! :D
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I have been watching season 1 of CSI NY. It's on SPIKETV ( God bless SPIKETV ;) )
and I really love how they ask each other about their cases. I saw one on Monday, I can't remember the name of the episode :eek: where both Mac and Stella's cases turned out to be the same case. I really loved how they interacted with each other and asked about each other's cases. Now that is a relationship :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"


I've wondered since I started to watch CSI:NY that Stella and Man should be together I mean more than partners at job!;)
It's easy to see them flirt though touching shoulder, a hug, little kiss couple times, secret smiles etc. :alienblush:
They just belong together! :bolian:

But unfurtunately writers don't think that way...sad...:(
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