Mac, Danny, Flack, Hawkes, & Adam - Steaming Up The NYPD!

Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Hot foursome man-love!!! :devil:

Damnit, we finally let Mac join the Three Musketeers, and now Adam is going to be the one trying to horn in on the action. :lol: Watch out Mac, he might try to take your spot! :eek:

(Psst, Hawkes, hit Mac over the head with teh pimp cane and let Adam join the Fantastic Four...unless you guys want to be called something lame like the Quints...Maybe you could just have Mac hold the camera--because, you know, video footage of this totally hawt man-love orgy would make major moola on the internetz. ;))

So, let's have an update. Mac has been allowed to join the Three Musketeers--I'm sure there were some conditions to his acceptance...wonder what they were? :devil: Hawkes is surely still the man in charge--The Good Doctor who, with the use of his awesome pimp cane can transform into Teh Pimp Doctor, director of all porny activity with these here boys. Then there's the Jackhammer, second in command to teh Pimp Doctor, occasional bouncer (retired now that Mac has been allowed to join in the fun), and (overly-)protective of the Kinkapoodle. The Kinkapoodle, meanwhile, is, well...he's the Kinkapoodle. Don't ask questions and Hawkes won't have to hit you with teh pimp cane.

Now, the issue remains: if Adam is the new interloper, how will he interact with our boys? And, perhaps more importantly...what is his wicked-cool moniker? Is he the Mad Scientist, or perhaps the Lab Animal (in a purely kinky sense, of course :devil:)...

This is far too fun. :lol:
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Fay quit being mean to my Macky! *slaps your arm*

teh pimp cane? Hawkes has a pimp cane? lmao.

Mad Scientist totally.
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Oh, INHC, I only tease him because I love him. Besides, do you think Flack takes kindly to Mac trying to be Danny's boss at work and after hours? No, I don't think so. :devil:

Yes, Hawkes totally has a pimp cane. Beware the **bling!**, baby, it's pimp-tastic. :lol:

(For further reading on the history of Teh Pimp Doctor and the early exploits of our hawt and secksy boys, etc, see the original Three Musketeers thread. :devil:)

Oh, but just so you know, Adam is, like, an awesome addition to the group. :lol: Although, I can't tell if he's below Danny on the Man-love food chain or if he gets his chance to tap that delectable little bubble as well. :devil:
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

I see it as a Hawkes, Mac, Adam, Danny, Flack sandwich. So how does your man-love chain go.
I think Adam would be the lab animal. But I don't know the lab monkey boy likes to play. So I think he has the out there personality like Danny does. They both might be the middle of the sandwich. ;)
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

I see it like this: Flack's picky on who gets to touch his top to bottom I see: Mac, Hawkes, Adam, Flack, Danny sandwich.

If we're gonna add Adam, don't we need a new thread name? or is Adam just the lab whore or something. :p
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Oh Fay you know Danny and Flackie likes it when Mac bosses them around. :devil:

Your obsessed with Adam, Fay. You really are.

Thats a very nice way of seeing it Modie. :devil: Thats a nice sandwich!

lol, Lab Whore. He's visiting, probably.
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

1CSIMfan said:
I see it like this: Flack's picky on who gets to touch his top to bottom I see: Mac, Hawkes, Adam, Flack, Danny sandwich.

If we're gonna add Adam, don't we need a new thread name? or is Adam just the lab whore or something. :p

No, I don't think so. It could be like a layer cake, with Adam as the sweet frosting. Or Adam providing the icing? **remembers there is a PG-13 meter on the board**

Anyhoo... I like this grouping. Now what do you think if we were to add a sixth person into the mix? Say.... Sexy Sid? :devil:
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Top to bottom? Poor Danny would be squashed! :lol: Can't they just take turns and whatnot? *naughty mental images* But, you know, if we're pairing people, I see certain pairings more than others: Danny/Flack, Danny/Adam, Mac/Hawkes, Mac/Adam, etc. So I guess Flack lets Adam have a bit of fun with Danny. Not sure why though. :p

Hawkes tops Mac-->Mac tops Adam, Flack tops, what, are Danny and Adam making out in the middle? :lol: (Or perhaps engaging in some other type of activity. :devil:)

Oh Fay you know Danny and Flackie likes it when Mac bosses them around.
Oh? I can't say I've ever thought that. I've yet to read Mac/Flack/Danny presented in a way that I agree with. I much prefer the idea of Mac trying to get with them and them (particularly Flack) shutting him down. "Mac, please, back up off my kinkapoodle. Now." :p

As for my obsession with Adam, I have never tried to deny it. ;) :devil:

It could be like a layer cake, with Adam as the sweet frosting. Or Adam providing the icing?
You naughty woman...*fondles you* :lol: So, what, is Adam just watching while getting his rocks off and providing, er, 'snow' or something? :devil:

As for Sid, um, no. The only one in the group I could see him with is Hawkes (a personal crack pairing I like, so sue me). He doesn't generally strike me as the slashy type...and nobody tops Teh Pimp Doctor. And I flatly refuse to give him Adam. *shoo* Get out of the thread, Sid, go chase Stella, she's a freak and you know you want her.

*Sid runs away, calling for his "Delightful Greek Goddess!"*

Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

perhaps engaging in some other type of activity.

Knowing them boys? Its highly possible.

Oh? I can't say I've ever thought that. I've yet to read Mac/Flack/Danny presented in a way that I agree with. I much prefer the idea of Mac trying to get with them and them (particularly Flack) shutting him down. "Mac, please, back up off my kinkapoodle. Now."

Aww thats cold! *snuggles Macky* its okay, Fay's nuts.

As for my obsession with Adam, I have never tried to deny it.

Thats a good thing, *hands you a cookie*

*Sid runs away, calling for his "Delightful Greek Goddess!"*


So, what, is Adam just watching while getting his rocks off and providing, er, 'snow' or something?

Well, i heard he was playing with you.
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Danny/Flack, Danny/Adam, Mac/Hawkes, Mac/Adam, etc. So I guess Flack lets Adam have a bit of fun with Danny. Not sure why though.

Glad you see it like that too. Oh and you know why because it's Danny. The resident Man-whore of the group., what, are Danny and Adam making out in the middle?
Actually that's how it gets started. And then the others join in along the way.
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Fay's nuts
ZOMG! I don't have anything of the sort...oh... :eek: Oops, I misread that. That's meant to be a contraction. Hehe. Whoops. ;)

Well, i heard he was playing with you.
*shifty eyes* I will neither confirm nor deny the validity of that statement...

because it's Danny. The resident Man-whore of the group.
Danny just makes the rounds, doesn't he? :lol: But then, it's not an orgy-type-thing if nobody shares. ;)

Actually that's how it gets started. And then the others join in along the way.
Mac and Flack are bickering--and then look over to see Danny and Adam making out. Not willing to miss the fun, they go over and, er, do things I can't specifically mention in here. Then Hawkes pimps his way over to Mac and, er, does something else I can't specifically describe. :devil:

You know, we should set up a couch over on the side, out of the way of spurting, um, something I can't say. Then we can eat popcorn, watch, take pictures, etc...and maybe even wait to get tagged in to join the fun. ;)

This thread is ker-azy! :lol:
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

We're only what you made us. So yeah, we're crazy.

Wait to get tagged? You'll snag Adam away before he even gets started with Danny!

They all get pwned in other words.

Danny's the man whore. and he likes it.

More like you confirm that statement. I saw that shifty eye!
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

You know, we should set up a couch over on the side, out of the way of spurting, um, something I can't say. Then we can eat popcorn, watch, take pictures, etc...and maybe even wait to get tagged in to join the fun.

LMAO!! We definately need a couch, popcorn, drinks, camera, and camcorder. Why wait to get tagged in to join the fun. I say we just jump right in there. I'm grabbing Danny. :p Fay, you can have Adam. IHNC gets Mac. That just leaves Flack and Hawkes. Where shall we put them? :confused:

Danny's the man whore. and he likes it.

That's why I luvs him so much. He shares the love. :rolleyes:
Re: Mac, Danny, Flack & Hawkes: Fabulous Foursome Thread!

Danny's not a whore. He just loves everyone. What's so wrong with that? He a selfless, giving kind of man.

Sorry, ihnc but you have to share Mac with the rest of the boys. Including Sid. I bet Sid and Mac together could teach those other youngbloods a few things.