Mac/Christine #1

Yeah, I can't wait to see that either.

Hopefully Gary can keep the writers from messing up the Mac/Christine storyline.
I think they suit eachother- sorry to all Mac/Jo shippers but this couple is what I expected and can't wait to see more of this Christine character.
They do suit each other, she isn't annoying and I don't wanna punch her in the face like I did with Mac's other 'love' interests... yes Mac/Jo shippers may be upset but hey most of them just want Mac to be happy... in the past I used to be a SMacked fan but now im all for Mac/Christine everyone on the show seems to like her
I am liking her so far and I am ready for the new season. I hope we see a lot more of them and see the relationship evolve.
Bump....I adored the end of the season premiere, though we didn't get any more M/C this week. Without spoiling much, I still wanna see what comes when she discovers what he's dealing with but hasn't told her.

I'm gonna start a soundtrack thread.
Bump....I adored the end of the season premiere, though we didn't get any more M/C this week. Without spoiling much, I still wanna see what comes when she discovers what he's dealing with but hasn't told her.

I'm gonna start a soundtrack thread.

Yeah, that's the one thing I can't wait for. I think they have been too smooth. :lol:
I loved this week.If no one else does caps, I will. He said he loves her


I still get sad when I think of 'Near Death' and I loved the scenes with Claire, but since she can't come back, it's good they're letting him be happy again.
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I am falling more in love with them as a couple with every episode. I thought I would be unhappy with them together because of my big Mac crush, but they are so perfect together. I can't help, but love their happiness. They bring out the best in each other and to see Mac happy like this after all these years of him being alone makes me smile.
i know at first i was iffy about them getting together becuz one i wasnt over Mac/Stella... and then i started seeing what people saw in mac/Jo, but im glad this isnt a romance within two lab workers (thank goodness) i do love them more as a couple as the episodes go by and how cute Mac confessed that he loved her (i know whats gonna happen on Mac/Christine the part we dont see in an episode ;)
I'm glad to hear that Mac and Christine are still together.
I've watched the last 9 episodes from season 8 this summer. But on a French TV-channel. And they used French voices. Not so nice. But at least I've seen (and understood) a glimpse of the story.
Now I can watch it again in my own country. With the original voices. Much better. I've just seen episode 12.
That's why I'm glad to hear the latest news about them. Because I think I have to wait a few months before I can watch the newest season.
I hope they stay together.
Awww, I liked tonight. We didn't see her, but they talked and we got another "I love you". I am sooooo anxious for what's coming though. (no spoiler postage, promise.)
Awww, I liked tonight. We didn't see her, but they talked and we got another "I love you". I am sooooo anxious for what's coming though. (no spoiler postage, promise.)

I have to confess, for some reason I didn't realize he was talking to Christine last night. :lol:

I do miss seeing her though.
I can't help, but love their happiness. They bring out the best in each other and to see Mac happy like this after all these years of him being alone makes me smile.

My week start good, knowing Max & Christine are happy together
I just read the spoiler that Christine has been kidnapped. I can't watch the last episodes. But please tell me that everything ends good.