I had a Mac -Fest today! I watched Recycling, Til Death Do We Part and Heroes. I drooled a lot, and the DVD remote got a good work out, the 'Pause' and 'Rewind' buttons especially.
I love how cute Mac is with the dog in Recycling, when it's trying to wriggle away from him. Stupid dog - being in Mac's arms is an opportunity NOT to be wasted. And I like how he leans in as he's talking to that dog's owner (the knitting needle lady), like he's taking every word she says seriously. It's funny when throughout the ep, he keeps brushing dog hairs off his suit. My suggestion would be he take it off all together...:devil:And I love the final scene when he and Stella go to the dog show and have hot dogs. That was the first time in s1 we saw Mac really happy and relaxed (and tieless, mmmm), and it's a great moment.
In Till Death Do We Part, my two favorite moments are when he wears the yarmulke while the rabbi reads the prayers over the dead Jewish girl - it's so sweet that he shows respect for another religion and for the girl's father by doing that. The other one is when he gets pissy with the mortician who was selling the clothes off dead people. He places a picture of the dead woman in front of the guy, and says, 'That beautiful young woman died on her wedding day because of you' and you can see how angry he is, and how much the death of an innocent young woman bothers him. Oh, and right at the end when he goes to that wedding to save the groom from the Death Suit, he has this really sweet smile on his face when he tells the guy he's here to save his life so he can live happily ever after.
As for Heroes, there are so many angsty and sweet Mac moments in that ep. You can see from his eyes throughout the whole ep how much her death bothers him, even though he doesn't act as dramatically as Danny does.