Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Mmmmmm, Mac with a gun. Almost as sexy as Wet!Mac... or Pissy!Mac... or Leather!Mac... or...or... Aww hell, Mac is always sexy! :devil: :D
:devil: what did i do today that made me deserve macky everywhere holding his gun?! :devil: *drools* even the wet macky is here. thankies natty.

that's it, im snatching macky for tonight.
:lol: Lord but I luv Mac with his gun... :devil: :p

thanks for all the fab pics natty!
- wet mac
- gun mac
- pissy mac
- pissy gun mac
- black t-shirt mac
- wet black tshirt gun mac...
- pissy wet black tshirt gun mac.....

and on and on... :lol:

Oh, lovely Macky pics. He looks so darn hot with a gun, and in a black t-shirt (especially when it's wet) and when pissy - so those SD pics are really, really hot. I like the leather jacket pic from HoG too, he looks hot (as always), and I love the look on his face.
Hey, you know that song that goes 'I'm too sexy for my shirt' - I think that definitely applies to Macky.
Uh oh, mj is making a Mac Snatch tonight! Hey mj, save some Macky for the rest of us droolin' wimmens!
:lol: i gots him right here. :D returned and fully recovered from last night :p who's next?