Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Did someone say sword pictures from Corporate Warriors?!! Hoo yeah, I'm a fan of those, too! Hmmmm... *scratches head ponderingly* Whether guns or swords, Mac certainly does seem to often have a very, implement, doesn't he?

*MB performs a Perfect 10 Gutter Dive...* :devil:
The power he posseses from within his hands, could melt us girls in puddles, without a spoken command.


Just what is he thinking, with his eyes closed like that, could it be he's thinking, of all us girls, who are ready to attack :devil: :devil: :devil:
Oh man...
I have no words to say...that was just beautiful :)
SwordMac and WetGary in the morning is my idea of a perfect day!!!
Gorgeous Gary/Mac pics. I wubs you, LMH, you give me my Macky fix. I wubs all of you that post Macky pics. I wubs you all, but I wubs Macky most of all. I know he can be a bit of an idiot sometimes, and I know he has faults, but when he's that hot, I find it very, very easy to forgive him.
I have been depriving myself of CSI NY this week. I only watched the Tuesday night rerun epppy (Murder Sings the Blues) but have not watched any of my s1 boxset. I'm going to have a Mac-Fest tommorrow, and watch two or three eps in one go.
I have enjoyed a lovely week in the Macky Gutter though. :devil: :devil:
Holy Crap! You know, I never really thought of Gary S as sexy until I joined this site and made my way over to this thread!

And now... I think I need a cold shower!

LOVE the pictures!
Love the pics LMH..*THUD*....that reminds me I will need to dig out my copy of Impostor I havent drooled...err watched it for a while.. :D And I would have loved to see him on stage doing Streetcar Named Desire......

But we are drifting a little here over the last few weeks.....not that I mind the pics.. :D , but can we try to keep the Gary pics to the Gary thread, and keep this thread for Mac.


Isn't he just yummy.....

Only 24 more days till we see our sexy ex Marine...

oh LMH you changed them....*wibble* those eyes...ummmmm...what was I saying....err...drool
Gorgeous Macky pics, LMH and Fruitbat. God, I love his eyes. How do Stella and Lindsay manage to actually speak in coherent sentences to him and resist the urge to jump on him when he looks at them? :devil: And then there's his sexy voice, and his hot bod...How does he manage to be so hot?
Hey, remember 'Jamalot' in S2, when that one girl - Polly flirted with him? I can't remember what she says to him, but I found this on, it's a later conversation between Polly and Flack:

Polly: My first time as a murder suspect and I don't even get the cop of my choice to bust my cuffs.
Flack: I'll send Detective Taylor your regards.
Polly: I'd like to send him a lot more than my regards.

I think we can definitely all agree with her there. :devil: :devil: :devil:
LOL! I loved that scene... and when I heard her say that, I was like "hell yeah, I'm right with you there girl!". I'd love to give him a nice little 'kiwifan' sized package... :devil:
I loved that scene the bit where he says he will need her clothes for evidence and she goes to strip in front of him and he gets all embarrassed...and he looks SO cute...

I always remember Vanessa (Aiden) commenting that she couldn't concentrate during a scene with him between his voice and his eyes..she could never remember her lines. Gary used to tease her about it.
Aww, that's cute! I do miss Aiden. But I'd have problems remembering my lines too if I had to do a scene with Mac/Gary! I'd be a mess :)
Fruitbat-I didn't know Vanessa had said that! I know exactly how she feels though. If I was doing a scene with Mac/Gary, I definitely wouldn't be able to concentrate. Hell, I'd just grab him and kiss him, whether it was in the script or not. Or I'd write a fake script where I got to have my wicked way with Mac. :devil: :devil: CSI: NY - The Gutter Version. :devil: Of course, when I was done with him, I'd write up the same scripts for all of you guys.
Ooh I would sign up for that...*slips and falls further into the gutter* OOOOH all the lovely things I would like ....err I think I need a VERY cold shower..... :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Hi Ladies, I've been lurking over here
I just had to pop in to say, I haven't posted much because I'm Totally SPEACHLESS :D

All these YUMMMMY pics of Mac/Gary are just making me drool.

And the actress who played Aiden is right, I would have a hard time looking at Gary too..

*off to drool somemore*