:scream: This is absolutely disheartening and absolutely a fatal blow to SMacked ship to me!
I just got word that Kanakaredes is leaving and now as I write this, a giant anti-Stella mega-tsunami is sweeping across my globe, literally destroying SMacked all throughout my world. The wall of water is over 1500 feet high, traveling at the speed of an airliner. Literally, my entire world is going 2012 (Movie-wise), all of the SMacked cities have literally become aquatic death-zones, SMacked ships literally capsizing worldwide, my world is cleaning SMacked OUT!
When the world stops going 2012 in me, my tectonic settings will have completely changed in arrangement. Entire civilizations wiped out, whole continents literally break apart or shift thousands of miles in a matter of hours.
The asteroids of Frankie and the space junk of Drew did some damage to the SMacked civilizations.
The Stella Bonaseras were the inhabitants of my world, Mac is the Sun. Suddenly, the Mac Sun emits mega-flares that cause my planet's core to undergo violent rise in temperature, causing the continents to shift violently. My Yellowstone and other super-volcanoes erupt in close sequence, turning my atmosphere into a dark brew of toxic acid rain, ashfall, and rivers turning black with ash mixing with water. Entire Stella populations perish from the poisonous fumes, and the ensuing volcanic winter.
CENTURIES LATER: The Vegas CSI's heard about what happened, only they find my world had completely changed, almost beyond recognition. Places that were at the equator were suddenly located near the South Pole, and vice-versa. My world's climate became FAR colder, with snow being seen even near the equator. Continents that survived or formed have far more ice cover especially in the middle and high latitudes, yet they find no evidence of Stella Bonasera civilization except a few surviving ruins that lie on the ocean floors but no skeletons, but evidence emerges that a violent apocalyptic event wiped them all out within a matter of days.
Somehow, miraculously, the Peyton Driscolls and Audreys managed to survive and have slowly rebuilt, albeit being limited only to areas near the equator, rarely seen beyond 30-degrees north or south. The Anti-Stella flares of the Mac Sun long since died off, lasted for over two months but Mac long since returned to it's normal self, save for a few brilliant anti-Stella Auroras near my North and South Poles which still emit a brilliant glow of blue, green, yellow and red.
If any Stellas actually survived, they were far off-planet or might have perished in the magnetic storms.
Back to reality: This has officially made me totally pull the plug on SMacked permanently. It was a fun, hot, guttery ride but the seasons have changed, hell, my mental climate has changed, and now I'm pretty much done with CSI: NY now. Goodbye Dantana D/L, goodbye Flack, so long Mac, so long Gerrard, and yes, goodbye Adam.
Goodbye SMacked and CSI:NY. Hello to an ugly blood-soaked, fiery blend of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Apocalypto. The rivers turn red, the sky turns black, the air turns to poison, the stars turn fast, the light turns to terror, the dark becomes suffocating nothingness, the plants turn white, gray and brown, the fish all die or mutate, the forests turn to dead sticks, screams of unimaginable agony pierce the atmosphere, the Eighth Seal had been opened and even Pandora's Box couldn't handle the horror of what has been unleashed......