We waited 4 weeks for this episode! And...I was happy about it but also little bit disappointed. Disappointed in Smacked point of view.
Don't shoot me just yet!! I did
love love love that final scene where Mac tucked Stella in. Sooooo cute and I was smiling like a dork.
But (there's always a but) I'm not sure if I was watching the episode like a Smacked writer (I call myself a writer after one Smacked fic

) or if I was expecting more from this episode but there was couple of scenes between Mac & Stella which had lots of potential to turn as
great Smacked scene.
For example that scene where Stella told Mac about Marina. And it was clear that Stella was very upset. I would've loved to see a hug or if a hug was too much to ask then a hand on the shoulder or something! That scene just ended so suddenly and left me like :cardie: "That's it?" . I do think it was a nice scene between those two though. I'm glad he came for her.
And my second :cardie: "That's it?" moment was the hospital scene. I guess I expected more from that as well. That "Before you even think about it,I am not going on sick leave." line from Stella made me laugh. Funny. :lol: Mac knows her so well that he wasn't even concidering it. :lol: Loved that.
But still...left me quite cold!
I though that scene at the morgue was kinda sweet as well. That scene between Sid,Stella and Mac. Stella getting upset and walking away
AND Mac standing by her explaining/clearing things to Sid how Stella had been at work all night.
I'm not sure why I wanted to bring this up and I hope I don't get shot because of it.
That last Smacked scene really saved this episode in Smacked vice for me.
GREAT Stella episode (I always love Stella episodes) but little bit cold from Smacked vice.
*backs out from the thread slooooowly*