Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

Smackie NAME needed!

  • Mac <3 Stella #19: Proving love can really conquer all.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Mac <3 Stella #19:"I won't give up if you dont give up."

    Votes: 23 79.3%
  • Mac <3 Stella #19: "'Coz it all comes down to Christmas".

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mac <3 Stella #19: "I need a sign to let me know you're here"

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Mac <3 Stella #19: "Because i will be right here waiting for you"

    Votes: 1 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Guys...we got closed when I was gone? C'mon...

Anyway, I saw the last episode, and yes, I was upset (a bit) especially because the episode was focused around the colour green, the colour that brings Mac and Stella together and yet, we got nothing. Well, nothing except that one scene that Asprine so graciously posted pictures of. The smiles they share there are so revealing and great :D Reminded me of the badass takedown they do in Snow Day :adore: Don't know why, but it does. Probably the way they're standing in front of the guy when they strapped him to the bomb.

Anyway, Audrey is not a threat IMO :D Mac and Stella have too strong a connection. She can't break it. Quinn, Jordan, Gillian and even Peyton in the end couldn't do it. How can she?

Talk to you all soon. Keep on topic guys...please?

Glad this thread is open again. Anyway, I've seen the episode as well. Not much Smacked but still a great ep! Seems like Stella's hair became darker or is it just me? I don't think anyone can come in the way. This is Mac and Stella we're talking about :)

Thanks for sharing those stills! :) Love it!

No new ep until April 7 and that episode is what we've been waiting for, right? Well, at least one of those eps. I expect a huge SMACKED scene! We just have to wait.
just found this awesome SMACKED vid on youtube

Excellant VID! I hope Practically Perfect trolls this thread and pops in and takes a bow so we can thank her personally for the GREAT talent and EXCELLENT timing!!:thumbsup: How about it Mary Poppins will we see you?:lol:

Thankyou for reopening the thread:thumbsup:

I think they both have there "guard up" so too speak. Mac more then Stella. She is much more affectionate and open. And as we know Mac is reserved!:lol: But he shares so much with her and I think since the big shoot out Mac seems to be realizing he is not invincible. He is going to have to keep trying to find other ways to fill the void but I think in the end he will have to "give in". Some people dont see their connection and that is fine but for those of us that do:).... The good news is with them being the leads every time we see them together can be what ever we want it to be!:drool: Mac is a kind man. He was kind to Ella and now with Aubry being new in town he is kind to her well maybe a little to kind!!:lol: But in the end he ALWAYS and FOREVER has Stella!!!:drool:
By the way is it permissable to suggest that SMACKIES get on over to the rate "The Pot of Gold " episode just in case there are any PTB trolling?
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Very well said. I absolutely agree. Mac and Stella have a connection that's can't be broken easily. Love interests come and go but they'll always have each other. It has always been this way and it WILL always be this way.

OMG, and thanks so much for sharing this video!! I love this song so much and everytime I listen to it I have to think of SMacked!! :D It's perfectly Mac's POV!! And that video is gorgeous :adore:

I just found another great one that I wanted to share with you as well:
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So, after two mods and an Admin post in this thread, and after it gets locked for 24 hours, I come to THIS....

Excellant VID! I hope Practically Perfect trolls this thread and pops in and takes a bow so we can thank her personally for the GREAT talent and EXCELLENT timing!!:thumbsup: How about it Mary Poppins will we see you?:lol:

Infraction: Flaming (regardless of how you feel about another poster, this should never be posted public)
Date: March 13, 2010
Thread: Mac/Stella; Shipper Central
Moderator: ladyhunter

Please do not delete this post.

Moderator: ladyhunter
So, after two mods and an Admin post in this thread, and after it gets locked for 24 hours, I come to THIS....

Excellant VID! I hope Practically Perfect trolls this thread and pops in and takes a bow so we can thank her personally for the GREAT talent and EXCELLENT timing!!:thumbsup: How about it Mary Poppins will we see you?:lol:

Infraction: Flaming (regardless of how you feel about another poster, this should never be posted public)
Date: March 13, 2010
Thread: Mac/Stella; Shipper Central
Moderator: ladyhunter

Please do not delete this post.

Moderator: ladyhunter

This is only my third or fourth post here, and I really hope that I'm not doing anything wrong by responding to this. I've noticed all of the discussion lately about on-topic posting, and I hope that this isn't violating the terms. I sincerely apologize if it is. I just noticed this post, Ladyhunter, and I apologize immensely if I'm speaking out of turn, or if I shouldn't be commenting on this. I just wanted to respond, because I think there might have been a miscommunication.

I looked at what LoriK posted, and watched the video she linked to, which was a very lovely video depicting Mac and Stella's relationship. I think that there might have been a misunderstanding regarding what she posted about the person who made the video. I think her post was actually meant to be quite complimentary rather than a flame. "Practically Perfect" is the YouTube user name of the individual who created the video LoriK posted. And referring to "Practically Perfect" as "Mary Poppins" was, I believe, a nod to the movie/Broadway musical "Mary Poppins," as there is a song in the musical about Mary Poppins entitled "Practically Perfect." I think that only someone who was familiar with the musical might recognize the reference, and I could see how it might be mis-interpreted as a sarcastic insult.

Again, I apologize if I'm saying anything out-of-turn, but I just happened to notice the post and what LoriK had written, and after viewing the video (and being a Mary Poppins fan myself), I thought that I might have discovered where and why the confusion might have arisen, resulting in a post that was intended to be highly complimentary and encouraging of the video-maker to be mis-interpreted as sarcastic and flaming. I usually prefer to lurk, but I just felt badly that LoriK's comments might have been misconstrued, and so am taking the risk to possibly clear up her intent.

I truly don't mean to step on anyone's toes, Ladyhunter, and I sincerely hope that you don't take offense to my clarification. I completely understand the need to keep order and regulations on the board, and I know that it must be a thankless task to continually monitor conversations and keep everyone on-topic. But as a Mac and Stella fan, I would feel very badly if I couldn't visit the board due to a misunderstanding, so I felt compelled to speak up :)

And now, as I don't want to break any of the rules myself after that very long post, and to get back to the reason that we are all here in the first place, I'll mention that while I am disappointed in the introduction of a new potential love interest for Mac, I did enjoy seeing him smile and continue his season-long progression in loosening up, relaxing, and enjoying himself. I can only hope that these are characteristics that will help him to be more ready and prepared emotionally to be with Stella, and that maybe taking this chance with Aubrey will be just a stepping-stone to taking a larger step with Stella in the (hopefully near) future. The Mac that I have always envisioned as embarking upon a successful relationship with Stella is embodied in this more open and relaxed version of him that we have started to see this season, and I think that seeing him open himself up to love and life in general are all hopefully positive signs towards him finding happiness and fulfillment with the lady we all see him best suited to, Stella.

With that, I'm going back to lurkerdom, but I wish you all the best, and I thank you for the wonderful board and community here that I so enjoy visiting. Here's to hoping that our Mac/Stella relationship wishes are fulfilled sooner rather than later :)

With warmest regards,
So, after two mods and an Admin post in this thread, and after it gets locked for 24 hours, I come to THIS....

Excellant VID! I hope Practically Perfect trolls this thread and pops in and takes a bow so we can thank her personally for the GREAT talent and EXCELLENT timing!!:thumbsup: How about it Mary Poppins will we see you?:lol:

Infraction: Flaming (regardless of how you feel about another poster, this should never be posted public)
Date: March 13, 2010
Thread: Mac/Stella; Shipper Central
Moderator: ladyhunter

Please do not delete this post.

Moderator: ladyhunter
I enjoy looking at this forum and I only made an account to state my opinion. As a viewer I do not find the semi off topic posts annoying. What I do find annoying is how every couple posts there's one from the administration scolding users constantly! I'll probably get kicked off for this, but whatever just saying how this is becoming ridiculous. Including closing the forum for 24 hrs? Like seriously, it's only a forum calm down. If you need to "warn" someone, how about trying a private message hmm?
Indeed my reference was to the broadway musical Mary Poppins and I meant the reference as a compliment..Is this what I did wrong?:confused:
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Hey, fellow Smackies. I haven't been here in a while (well, actually this is my first post in this Smack thread lol). I do still ship and support Mac/Stella as the "end game" though... because I think they'd be really good together.

I did enjoy seeing him smile and continue his season-long progression in loosening up, relaxing, and enjoying himself.

I completely agree. That smile was just adorable. It was nice to see a geniuine smile on his face. We haven't seen a smile like that in a while I don't think. So, I did like that. :)

I can only hope that these are characteristics that will help him to be more ready and prepared emotionally to be with Stella ,and that maybe taking this chance with Aubrey will be just a stepping-stone to taking a larger step with Stella in the (hopefully near) future.

I agree with this as well. I'm going to look at any other relationships either of them have with others (even just friendships because the relationships- all types family, romantic, friendships, they all help us grow in some way, shape or form) as a way to help them grow as individuals and be ready to commit to each other someday in the not too terribly distant future. I think Mac and Stella can read each other very well. They often do not need words to gauge what the other is feeling... they know just by the look on each other's face.
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Mac and Stella are like two peas in a pod.
i think even Flack stated in an episode "You two have working together for too long" he's talking about Mac & Stella when they both ask about who found a body.
Hi There,
I haven't posted here in a long time about a year i'm a huge smacked fan hope you don't mind if I respond to some of your posts :D I don't wanna get you guys in trouble for the little off topic post I've been lurking for a while but tried to get the corauge to post :lol:

Excellant VID! I hope Practically Perfect trolls this thread and pops in and takes a bow so we can thank her personally for the GREAT talent and EXCELLENT timing!!:thumbsup: How about it Mary Poppins will we see you
Yeah you will :lol: :D Because I'm the one who made that video *bows* :lol:

Mac and Stella are like two peas in a pod.
i think even Flack stated in an episode "You two have working together for too long" he's talking about Mac & Stella when they both ask about who found a body.
I agree you can totally see it 10 years of friendship they need to move past that into a relationship :lol: Does anyone else think other than Flack sees this? Maybe Sid he saw D/L maybe he will see the SMacked

just found another great one that I wanted to share with you as well:
I made that one too :lol:

I can only hope that these are characteristics that will help him to be more ready and prepared emotionally to be with Stella ,and that maybe taking this chance with Aubrey will be just a stepping-stone to taking a larger step with Stella in the (hopefully near) future

I agree with you I mean if he has to take that step and chance why not let it be with the person you are most comfortable around. Also who you have know for years, which you have the most deep respect and trust but professtionally or personally why not let it be with your best friend. Hope I made sense anyway go smacked :D
I agree with you I mean if he has to take that step and chance why not let it be with the person you are most comfortable around.
After watching this friendship over the years, the way Stella brought Mac back to living again in season one and his concern for her via Frankie and Greece etc. How would it feel to be the "odd man out" of that relationship? I remember Peyton did not like it when Mac pulled her hand away when Stella came around the corner she "got it". Stella brought his smile back and even had him feeling like a kid again in the formula! I dont know about anyone else but I would feel like second in line! This new relationship is healthy because it gives Mac pause to contrast and may even help him understand his relationship with Stella even more.:)