CSI Level Three
i am hoping for that moment and praying to be very juicy:drool::drool: It was such a memorable moment from All Access:drool: 5.05 was a great episode ¿The beginning of the huge storyline for my Stella:drool:? the only "failure" was Mac's reaction
I mean, i know later we had 5.24 but what would have been the big difference between showing Mac worried and showing Mac OUT OF CHARACTER?
Hopefully they won't do that again but you never know
csi miami girl-->
i think there was a lab rat during a couple of episode back in S1:lol:
mm we don't know when Mac will have to choose but if he still dates that ugh...thing on 6.21 or 6.22 or 6.23
As far i understand we will have 23 episodes this season which is better than to have just 22 but still it's not enough
And the episode where Stella almost is becoming into a mermaid is 6.18:lol:
well, it would be something but a kiss being both of them alive, concious and awake would be better
i will try to come back but i need to study so i will be away for several days. so i ask you to keep posting please
take care and have fun
And she admits that she was scared as hell with her comment about the bodybag. Still NOTHING. I swear if he is that thick again I'm gonna break something..
I'm hoping for at least a teenyweeny hug. I mean, he did pull her close for absolutely no reason in Second Chances. Well, not exactly no reason, but not for comfort reasons anyhow.
I wonder who finds her though... If she has to be rushed to the hospital, I doubt she will be climbing out of the water herself. I actually think it would be quite awesome if it were a uniform guarding the scene that wondered where she was, and then had to bring the news of her near-drowning to Mac.
I mean, I wouldn't want to be that cop he would probably put his life on the line by going: "Er.. Detective? I think your partner almost drowned."
i am hoping for that moment and praying to be very juicy:drool::drool: It was such a memorable moment from All Access:drool: 5.05 was a great episode ¿The beginning of the huge storyline for my Stella:drool:? the only "failure" was Mac's reaction
Hopefully they won't do that again but you never know
csi miami girl-->
OK can someone please tell me when were suppost to find who the mysterious Lady cause i've been racking my brain ever since i saw that spoiler of course i Want it to be Stella i would love nothing more for it to be her but i want a backup lady just in case it's not her the only thing that is getting is the whole "shocking to the fans" and the only one i can thing i can of is Lindsay woundn't that be shocking
i think there was a lab rat during a couple of episode back in S1:lol:
He will have to choose in 6.17? It seems that she will be in 6.20 too. In which episode Stella will be drowning? How much episodes in this season?
mm we don't know when Mac will have to choose but if he still dates that ugh...thing on 6.21 or 6.22 or 6.23
As far i understand we will have 23 episodes this season which is better than to have just 22 but still it's not enough
And the episode where Stella almost is becoming into a mermaid is 6.18:lol:
Stella almost drowning ... going to need mouth to mouth ... perhaps for Mac to do this breath .. Ok just delirium of shipper.
well, it would be something but a kiss being both of them alive, concious and awake would be better
i will try to come back but i need to study so i will be away for several days. so i ask you to keep posting please
take care and have fun