A big hello to all of the smacked fans in here! I haven't posted here in an age! But I still dip my toe in here just to read all your comments and see what you think is in store for Mac and Stella in the new season. As I am from the UK I won't see new episode's until Jan/Feb 2010 but of course I am too weak to stay away from the spoilers so I will certainly know what is happening
I have to admit that I am looking forward to this season very much, I have enjoyed the recent promo with Mac and Stella, doing one of their infamous, serious and intimate talks together, I do realise that these two do have a wonderful chemistry between them and I do enjoy these moments together a great deal . When they both talk to each other in this way, you can almost see the tension that the other may be feeling almost lift from their bodies. These two have worked together for a long time and have witnessed many difficult (cases) and difficult (personal) situations together that it is almost instinct that brings them to understand what the other is thinking, saying and feeling.
It is this that I love about these two characters, whether they agree with each other or not, whether they each make good or on occasions, bad decisions, it is the respect and understanding that they have for each other that sets them apart. I enjoy both kinds of interactions between these two, especially at times the fighting,
on the whole it is usually done well and that is certainly credit due to both Gary and Melina's acting abilities IMHO.
It is a "love" that these two characters share, love built on respect, understanding, companionship, friendship, sharing and ultimately history that is the definitive"chemistry" that I feel that these two share.
Am I making sense? probably not, but I know what I mean!. I do enjoy all your comments and am eagerly awaiting the new season.
Sophia x