LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.23 - Actors - Results!

Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Voting!


Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Results !

I know, I'm so l condemned late with the results. I apologize me thousand times... :alienblush::alienblush:
But my RL was so hectically and in disorder......

The BOTH winner are: :eek: :wtf:

100x100 level

1st Place
by happyharper13

2nd place
by happyharper13

3rd place
by happyharper13 and
by Dragonfly

4th place
by Dragonfly


1st place
by Dragonfly

2nd place
by happyharper13

Congrats happyharper13 and Dragonfly !!! :thumbsup:

If you want to like a win banner, please PM me !
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Voting!

Wow! Congrats to happyharper13 and Dragonfly for winning all the places :eek: Your icons are gorgeous so it's no surprise :)
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Voting!

:eek: Oh my goodness! Thank you so much everyone! And congrats to happyharper13 :D :D
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Results!

Wow! Thanks so much! I definitely wasn't anticipating that. Congrats to Dragonfly and big thanks to Miss_Undercover for running it! We understand about RL, so no worries ;)
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Results!

congrats Dragonfly and happyharper.

happyharper, I love your Greg icon. How did you get those little whispy lines on it?
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.21 - Internet Slang- Open !

Hi all together ! :thumbsup:

After long time I found finally time to start a new challenge.

LV Icon Challenge # 21 - * English Internet Slang * - Now Open !!

You must to use one or more internet slang(s) on each icon.

For example: OMG.....

Here are two sites with different slangs.

English Internet Slangs 1

Internet Slangs 2


RULES (which I snagged from Vera who snagged it from everybody else; I hope, that’s right… !)

1. You may enter up to 4 icons. All icons please in 3x (100x100) + 1x (120x10 or 140x140) I don't really feel like re-sizing any icons, but I don't anticipate any problems with this. You all know how to size an icon.

3. It gives this time three levels in this challenge – Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Please prefer to the helpful guidelines if you need help determining what category to enter. Please be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to now Intermediate; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in the higher one. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.

4. Please PM your entry to me, Miss_Undercover...

5. No vulgar words or phrases allowed.

6. Don't go running around posting your icons elsewhere, it's not cool. You don't want to win because your friends voted for you, you want to win because you deserved it.

7. No animations allowed.

I'll set the deadline to Friday 26th of June 2009, 11.59 pm (GMT) !!!

Subject: LV 21 Beginners, Intermediate (with second category) or Advanced
Body: Images, urls. (If you can't send images, just the urls are fine)

PS: If you have any questions, ask me please !

Attention: If you can't to send a PM, use my MSN address in my profile and send me a mail with the icons !

Have fun and be creative ! ;)
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.21 - Internet Slang- Open !

oh, this sounds really interesting!! I'm in :)
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Results!

This sounds awesome! I am so in (or at least I hope I am, depending on PS access).
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.21 - English Internet Slang - Now Ope

This sounds like a fun challenge. I'm in. :)
Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.21 - English Internet Slang - Now Ope

gr8 theme! lol! I'm in!