"Lover's Lanes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I agree about the ending, loved it. I also had that thought about Ray...I too had thoughts about him going off on his own when he did. Good to know I'm not alone.
- It’s very rare that I enjoy an episode written by Dustin Lee Abraham, but I will admit that this one was pretty darn good.

- I’d summarize this episode as ‘A la cart’ set in a bowling alley instead of with go-carts.

- It was so great to see the ‘team’ working together on a case, and having Ray off on his own case.

- I suck at bowling, so it was great to see some of the other CSI’s are as bad as I am. LOL at Cath’s gutter ball!!

- the guy playing Kyle “X” Chatts = evil Taylor Reed from “one hit wonder” back in the early seasons.

- Was there really a need for a ‘B’ story in this one? I think it slowed down the episode, and killed a bit of the fun of the ‘A’ story. And besides. The minute it was mentioned that her sister was staying with them, I knew who the killer was. So, what was the point?

- Hodges working with Ray. Interesting combination. And it’s a combination they’ve used quite a bit since Ray’s arrival. I guess that’s one way to give Wally more screen time. Now, if only they’d give Liz the same.

- So, was Ray’s case really solved or not? The sister said she didn’t do it, but the evidence was pointing to her.

- and it seemed that the team was 'moonlight' bowling, which meant it would be late at night. So did they all get the night off from work?

My full review can be found here
Awesome episode! Everyone in it did a fantastic job! My favorite aspects had to be that A) I had no idea how the case was going to be resolved, and B) Ray had his own B-Case that I didn't care about.

Yep, Greg was awesome. His knowledge about bowling was instrumental in solving the case. I really liked him whipping out his ball in the end (which had a freakin' sweet design!) and showing up Nick. :lol:

I really liked Sara and Brass here as well. Brass: "I tweet." :guffaw:That's one twitter I would follow.

The last scene was great. Nick's speech, Catherine's gutter bowl, Ray not being a part of the 'family moment'. Awesome. (Am I hating on Ray too much? To bad)

This episode is an A+. I'm really liking this season so far.
I liked this episode. It's good to see that not all the cases involve intricate plots devised by criminal masterminds. It was also nice to see that for once, when an ex-boyfriend says the woman is crazy, he's right. And finally, with the end-of-episodes-involving-decapitated-heads-bonding precedent now firmly established, does anyone else want to see a case involving, say, a head at a polo match? :)
i enjoyed the episode. one thing that started to irritate me lately though, is how effortlessly the CSI's find evidence in every place they look. other than that Lover's Lanes was good. great to see Sara again as well. i liked her hair, she looks better when it has more volume. Langston didn't irritate me as much. the only time i rolled my eyes was when the attorney started to praise him and Ray got that serious look like he was thinking 'yes, i'm amazing'. lol

ETA: i just got an idea that it would be so interesting if Ray turned out to be in love with himself. i mean, he has no personality so far (at least not enough for a TV show lead) and he's been very sure of himself all the time. maybe he could get into an ego-like argument with Catherine or something.

you can't have a one-dimensional character play a lead no matter if it's Johnny Depp or Vanilla Ice, b/c it will quickly become dull and predictable. Sara, Catherine, or Grissom are great examples of multi-layer characters. all three of them had faults, were wrong in their first-blush theories most of the time, and found truth by working together. Langston seems to latch on to the first thing he thinks of, tries to prove it no matter what, and then miraculously he turns out to be right. i can understand it happening one time but every episode? that's a stretch.
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I loved that little speech he gave too and then he basically said he was going to beat them all at bowling. :lol: Also funny how Ray had to run and get a different pair of shoes.

I don't think Ray really got the wrong size. I think he wanted to get out of the "family"moment. Why? Not sure. It reminded me of Sara watching the go-cart racing tho.

Nick's little dance after his strike. :adore:

Definitely a Ward Girl Fan Moment with the Nick Dance :adore:

I too found it interesting to see Ray leave the 'family' moment. He certainly looked happier from a far than being with the team mind you he did get in a good jab at Nick after Nick's comment about teaching the family something about bowling :lol:

I liked the episode as a whole. It was good from start to finish. I'm glad we got the team together at the end of for the group bowling :)
I haven't quite figure out how to quote yet, but at first - I was a little ticked at Ray's little jab at Nick about writing checks his butt can't cash. It just didn't come off as friendly ribbing like Nick's "family butt whoopin'" comment did. Then I replayed it for the happy dance and I clearly heard Nick say, "oh yeah...check cashed!" LOL Hilarious. I wish we could see him saying that - but then it might have been an adlib in looping. Still...I was glad it got in.

I agree about the not wanting to be a part of the family. Is it wrong of me to hope they are setting up a departure for him?? ;) Especially after that article in the USA Today calling the Laurence Fishburne experiment a failure. Ouch.
I haven't quite figure out how to quote yet, but at first - I was a little ticked at Ray's little jab at Nick about writing checks his butt can't cash. It just didn't come off as friendly ribbing like Nick's "family butt whoopin'" comment did. Then I replayed it for the happy dance and I clearly heard Nick say, "oh yeah...check cashed!" LOL Hilarious. I wish we could see him saying that - but then it might have been an adlib in looping. Still...I was glad it got in.

I agree about the not wanting to be a part of the family. Is it wrong of me to hope they are setting up a departure for him?? ;) Especially after that article in the USA Today calling the Laurence Fishburne experiment a failure. Ouch.

Eyebrows_Up to quote someone's post you'll find at the bottom of the post 2 buttons that say 'quote' or 'multi quote'. If you select quote it will automatically take you to the reply to thread page. The quote button can be used if you're only wanting to quote one post. The 'multi quote' button can be used to quote more than one post. When you hit 'multi quote' you'll need to go down to the bottom of the page and hit 'post reply'. I hope this helps you :)

I missed the comment from Nick about 'cashing the cheque' Priceless :lol: Nick's comment certainly fits in with Rays comment.

What I also found interesting last night was the way Ray went back to investigate the suicide. He certainly is a very thorough investigator. The case reminded me of 11 Angry Jurors when Nick reopened a case that he and Grissom had closed.

Since I very rarely appear in the the discussion and spoiler threads I have no idea what's happen with Ray or Laurence Fishburne. I like Ray but I'm like a lot of us that we don't want Ray shoved down our throats. Last night's Ray was quite and very much in the background. Much like his shot at the end. Leaving the main focus on the 'Heart and Core' of CSI. I wonder if that was deliberate on Laurence Fishburne's part or not.
last night loved

it wasnt all about ray, dont get why he wasnt around for the csi family speech
i also thought sara was talking to griss at the end
learned about bowling, bowling alleys, and geometry
and brass tweets?? who knew

am i the only one that thought of the minature killer at the crime scene in the prison, remember in woulda,coulda,shoulda at the end when grissom found the minature
am i the only one that thought of the minature killer at the crime scene in the prison, remember in woulda,coulda,shoulda at the end when grissom found the minature

That was my first thought when it showed the woman dangling there. Before I realized it wasn't Natalie, I was like "OMG! She finally offed herself!":lol:
am i the only one that thought of the minature killer at the crime scene in the prison, remember in woulda,coulda,shoulda at the end when grissom found the minature

That was my first thought when it showed the woman dangling there. Before I realized it wasn't Natalie, I was like "OMG! She finally offed herself!":lol:

Yes I had that thought to. :lol: Took me a second to realize it wasn't her. :lol: Also have to say I honestly didn't care for the B story in the episode, but at least we know they can actually still write episodes where cases aren't connected all the time. Please do that more often with unrelated cases and I will be very happy. :)
I agree that the B story bored me and they could have done without it, but I am happy it kept Ray out of hogging the main storyline.
Yes I was very grateful for that too. If Ray had been hogging the main case I would have been very irate. I almost forgot to comment about the bugs in the crate with the body that was the first real yuck moment I've had in a while. I think I watch this show enough that I have a strong stomach for it, but I hate bodies when they are covered in bugs like that and I don't know why that always makes me feel a little sick after I've recently ate. Even Bloodsport didn't make me feel that sick even with the opening.
WOW, again the madness of the bowling world:eek:so many twists and turns and the B story with Hodges and Dr. Langston also good. Starting with X-man and JT who couldn't stand each other. & the horrible severed head. JT was the brother in the series "Judging Amy". Sara :Don't touch that, you'll get it back! and to Greg "When did bowling get so serious"? finding blood on the bowling ball.

Nick and Greg, the techincal side in the back. who knew about that, but Greg did:bolian: "The old days, when the had "pin boys", he took a class and a field trip to a bowling ally~

NIck finds homeless guy in the car, funny:lol: "What are you doing" Vidis "I'm sleeping" Nick "Get out"

Dr. Ray and Hodges working on the case where the woman hung her self because the jury found her guilty of shooting her husband~ Ray suspicious, why did she hang herself?

Doc and Cath, going over the severed head. Doc "probably a hand saw"~

Sara talking to the girlfriend of Ronald the dead guy, and running tests~

Brass with X-man "Sit down" you were drunk and think highly of yourself~
Him "I'm a bowler, not Chris Angel":cardie:

He was old school, Brass did research and stated "old school kicked ass" mess with his head, with a head":lol:

Hodges and Ray, he's warming up to Ray, after his hero Grissom is gone for a while now. doing their own tests on the dead husband~

Cath, Brass and Nick going to the bowling supply company, finding Vidis smoking a joint, Cath "Hey Cheech" he tells them it's "medicinal", because of his bad back. they follow a blood trail and find a crate, and a trail of beetles the "clean up crew" and the bugs swarming all over the dead guy EWWWW. SO GROSS, I SCREAMED:klingon:

Vidis was taking $20 for doing the pin thing, but was innocent of the guys death~

Gerg did the running test in 14 seconds. viewing video, it showed Shea, moving over to the side, and looked at her as a suspect~

Ray and the sister of the woman who was found guilty of shooting her husband and came to the conclusion that it was Hannah the sister who in fact shot him. "He was a piece of garbage" Ray "It's not for me to judge"

Sara and Cath with the slashed handbag, something it not right:confused:

Ronald found out Chevy was messing around with her, and a confrontation ensued and in self defense he shot Ronald, then they dragged him over and out him in the wooden crate, and he said "we're done" so in retailation, she sawed off his head and put it in the bowling ally~

JT arrested at the ally, and still had to do one more through and won. Brass "How does it feel to be ratted out by your own bowling ball"?:(

Sara & Shea, what a moron, thinking she would still be together with him after they served time. And the always awesome expressions of Sara with the blank "you've got to be friggin' kidding" stare. She rocks and is so pretty and still right on top of it all~

The fantastic ending with the team bowling and drinking beer, nice touch to see them having fun together, Loved it:thumbsup:

Cath.. pretty bad. gutter ball~
Hodges.. taking two hands to throw it, like a little kid~
Sara.. Kicked it:eek: Wendy congraulating her~
Doc.. Good too, with his crutches as well~
Greg. His own quirky bowling ball and another STRIKE
Nick.. "Ass whooping" so cute, STRIKE and Ray going "Be sure you mouth with a check you ass can't cash":guffaw:

And Ray not being able to get his size 13 bowling shoes, but watching them and grinning and so happy to be with them.. Nice touch writers.. another enjoyable episode:bolian:

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I loved that little speech he gave too and then he basically said he was going to beat them all at bowling. :lol: Also funny how Ray had to run and get a different pair of shoes.

I don't think Ray really got the wrong size. I think he wanted to get out of the "family"moment. Why? Not sure. It reminded me of Sara watching the go-cart racing tho.

Nick's little dance after his strike. :adore:

I loved this episode and the ending was great... Part of me thinks, maybe this is setting up LF's leaving and Billy's return.. well anyway it's always good to dream. Not that I'm an anti-Ray person, I like him and I like what he brings to CSI - but if I had to choose someone to exit, anyone to exit, to bring back Billy - It'd be Ray for sure, and I think CSI desperately needs Billy back.

No Brass at the end? I was a bit miffed at that tbh.