"Lover's Lanes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I didn't get the vibe that Ray was pulling away from the rest of the CSI family. Here he is with people who've gone through a lot together. He's standing on the outside looking in. I've gotten the impression this season that the writers have been addressing certain things that the fans feel. I felt kinda sorry for Ray at the end because he knows that no matter how hard he works or hard hard he tries he's just not going to be accepted into the family like the others are. And you can't say that they've all been there since the beginning because Hodges wasn't. Wendy wasn't. And even Doc Robbins wasn't there from day one.

Does that mean that LF is going to leave? I'm not sure. I'm not sure that Marg is going to be hanging around for much longer....
I didn't get the vibe that Ray was pulling away from the rest of the CSI family. Here he is with people who've gone through a lot together. He's standing on the outside looking in. I've gotten the impression this season that the writers have been addressing certain things that the fans feel. I felt kinda sorry for Ray at the end because he knows that no matter how hard he works or hard hard he tries he's just not going to be accepted into the family like the others are. And you can't say that they've all been there since the beginning because Hodges wasn't. Wendy wasn't. And even Doc Robbins wasn't there from day one.

Does that mean that LF is going to leave? I'm not sure. I'm not sure that Marg is going to be hanging around for much longer....

I agree with you. I didn't get that vibe either.

And I was thinking Marg will probably leave as well at the end. I hope not, but I'd rather them not stay and play second fiddle to Ray after nine years of loyalty.

Unless Marg herself is ready to say goodbye.:(
I didn't get the vibe that Ray was pulling away from the rest of the CSI family. Here he is with people who've gone through a lot together. He's standing on the outside looking in. I've gotten the impression this season that the writers have been addressing certain things that the fans feel. I felt kinda sorry for Ray at the end because he knows that no matter how hard he works or hard hard he tries he's just not going to be accepted into the family like the others are. And you can't say that they've all been there since the beginning because Hodges wasn't. Wendy wasn't. And even Doc Robbins wasn't there from day one.

Does that mean that LF is going to leave? I'm not sure. I'm not sure that Marg is going to be hanging around for much longer....

I agree with you. I didn't get that vibe either.

And I was thinking Marg will probably leave as well at the end. I hope not, but I'd rather them not stay and play second fiddle to Ray after nine years of loyalty.

Unless Marg herself is ready to say goodbye.:(
HAHA! We agree, mfcsi; did you ever think that would happen? :)

Anyway, I thought it was a good, but not a particularly memorable episode. I liked the actress who played the girlfriend. She was great in her scene with Sara. And, of course, Jorja's reaction to her was perfect.
On the other hand, I didn't think the actor who played Chevy(?) was particularly good or convincing in his role as the killer/lover.
I did like them having fun at the bowling alley. Loved Greg's ball, but wasn't he suppose to be a good bowler, yet didn't he have a 2-handed throw? :lol:
It would have been much better if Sara had been talking to Grissom at the end, but I guess I have to trust they are communcating off-screen, as frustrating as it is.
I wasn't crazy about the fact that Ray got the last screen shot; but I agree with kasey that, as in the real life tv CSI, he is on the outside looking in.
And the "B" story was pretty worthless, IMO.
So, I'll give it a B-, but could have been an A with a Grissom phone call. :)
I did like them having fun at the bowling alley. Loved Greg's ball, but wasn't he suppose to be a good bowler, yet didn't he have a 2-handed throw? :lol:

There's a certain style that uses the 2-handed throw. If you watch, you'll see that Greg was able to curve the ball and get a strike.

From Wikipedia (always reliable;)): "A bowler can use a technique without inserting the thumb into the thumb hole to get high revolutions on the ball. The ball is held with both hands or balanced on the forearm while the bowler executes a bent elbow backswing. The arm is never straightened and the ball is essentially pushed down the lane while the bowler rotates his hand and arm around the ball.

This technique is quite rare amongst high-level bowlers, but is commonly used to generate revolutions by casual bowlers who do not know how to use one of the more conventional techniques.

Notable bowlers with this style include Australian Jason Belmonte; Finn Osku Palermaa; and American pre-teen Chaz Dennis, the youngest person ever to bowl a 300 game. The bowling team of Bolivia is also noted for changing their bowlers to using the two-handed style."
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I did like them having fun at the bowling alley. Loved Greg's ball, but wasn't he suppose to be a good bowler, yet didn't he have a 2-handed throw? :lol:

There's a certain style that uses the 2-handed throw. If you watch, you'll see that Greg was able to curve the ball and get a strike.

From Wikipedia: "A bowler can use a technique without inserting the thumb into the thumb hole to get high revolutions on the ball. The ball is held with both hands or balanced on the forearm while the bowler executes a bent elbow backswing. The arm is never straightened and the ball is essentially pushed down the lane while the bowler rotates his hand and arm around the ball.

This technique is quite rare amongst high-level bowlers, but is commonly used to generate revolutions by casual bowlers who do not know how to use one of the more conventional techniques.

Notable bowlers with this style include Australian Jason Belmonte; Finn Osku Palermaa; and American pre-teen Chaz Dennis, the youngest person ever to bowl a 300 game. The bowling team of Bolivia is also noted for changing their bowlers to using the two-handed style."
Clearly, I'm no bowling expert, and don't watch probowling at all, so thanks for the tip! The only people that I've seen bowling like that are usually little kids. :lol:
I did like them having fun at the bowling alley. Loved Greg's ball, but wasn't he suppose to be a good bowler, yet didn't he have a 2-handed throw? :lol:

There's a certain style that uses the 2-handed throw. If you watch, you'll see that Greg was able to curve the ball and get a strike.

From Wikipedia: "A bowler can use a technique without inserting the thumb into the thumb hole to get high revolutions on the ball. The ball is held with both hands or balanced on the forearm while the bowler executes a bent elbow backswing. The arm is never straightened and the ball is essentially pushed down the lane while the bowler rotates his hand and arm around the ball.

This technique is quite rare amongst high-level bowlers, but is commonly used to generate revolutions by casual bowlers who do not know how to use one of the more conventional techniques.

Notable bowlers with this style include Australian Jason Belmonte; Finn Osku Palermaa; and American pre-teen Chaz Dennis, the youngest person ever to bowl a 300 game. The bowling team of Bolivia is also noted for changing their bowlers to using the two-handed style."
Clearly, I'm no bowling expert, and don't watch probowling at all, so thanks for the tip! The only people that I've seen bowling like that are usually little kids. :lol:

Now you can say you learned something completely pointless that you'll never use. :lol:
WOW so technical about the bowling, I never noticed that, only that Hodges held the ball with two hands,:rolleyes: and on Ray, he was standing back, he was waiting for the correct size shoe, that's all, and a good place to stop with him enjoying watching his team mates. They've all accepted him as a part of their 'new' team, and are happy with him as he is with them. I hope he decides to stay and the rest too, and we go into S/11 with no issues~
Kaylyne asked whether there was a need for a B story. I'm not sure if there was a need, per se, but I thought it fit well with the overarching theme of two women thinking they'd found love, but with the wrong men (two very dysfunctional relationships) and attempts to establish family around that. I was reminded of Cath's comment to Grissom about the team creating a family around Grissom, whether he liked it or not. And then it all tied together at the end with the team's family moment, but with Ray still appearing to be on the outside looking in . . . yet not seeming to mind that.

Was the B story solved? I think the sister proclaimed her innocence for the sake of the child. I think she did, indeed, kill her brother-in-law, but she's not going to go down without a fight because clearly she's adopted her niece as her own child and wants to be the one to raise her. She's come this far in protecting the child, so she's not going to give up so easily.

It meshes with the far more bizarre A storyline of the girlfriend still pining after the bowler and thinking, if she waits long enough, maybe they'll be together in the end, after all. (And yes, Sara's reaction at the end of that revelation was priceless!) Overall, great episode!
Did anyone wonder where Brass was in the last scene? I would have enjoyed him taking off his jacket, and bowled a couple:bolian: and we didn't get to see Super Dave, Wendy bowl either:confused:
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I finally had a chance to watch LL, and I have to say that it was a really good episode. I'm not the biggest fan of DLA's work, but this one was really good and held my attention for the most part (which, trust me, is hard, since I have ADD). I really liked all the technical aspects of the bowling stuff, and the team worked really well together. Loved the Nick/Cath scene when they found the body. It kinda reminded me of the old Nick/Cath partnership, where they'd know what the other was thinking/what the other was going to do. I mean, obviously, Catherine/Grissom had a special partnership in a professional sense, but it's great to see Catherine/Nick working so well together in a mentor/ment-ee (is that even a word?) partnership.

I liked how well Sara and Catherine worked together to tag team a suspect. That was nice.

Brass has a Twitter? Well sign me up to follow him! :lol:

The B story seemed kinda pointless, but whatever. At least Ray didn't come up at the end to solve the bowling case for them.

I really liked the ending, like a lot of people. It was great to see the whole cast there. I loved Marg's impression of me bowling, and hearing her genuine laugh just made my heart skip a beat. I adore that woman so much. <3 Nice little scene with Nick/Greg, great friendship there. Doc bowled really well, and Hodges rocking the Granny style made me laugh. The only one missing from the family was Brass. I know that bowling's not his thing, but come on. He could have come up and drank some beers!

As for Ray at the end, it's interesting. It makes you wonder what is going through his mind. Me personally, I think that he had the wrong shoe size, and took a moment to step back and see what he has while he was getting the right size. I mean, he may be an outsider, but he's still a member of the team. It doesn't seem like he's ever had anyone close to him, so maybe he's reflecting on what he now has. Who knows, though. Hopefully they will follow up on it.

Not too shabby. 8/10, only cause the B story kinda drag it down.
As for Ray at the end, it's interesting. It makes you wonder what is going through his mind. Me personally, I think that he had the wrong shoe size, and took a moment to step back and see what he has while he was getting the right size. I mean, he may be an outsider, but he's still a member of the team. It doesn't seem like he's ever had anyone close to him, so maybe he's reflecting on what he now has. Who knows, though. Hopefully they will follow up on it.
I agree with you completely. I think Ray has been an stay-at-arms-length type of guy in the past, and now he realizes he has a new "family." The check statement was friendly sh*t-talking among friends, nothing more. It shows how friendly they have all become. I think the writers will use it as jump-off point to look more into his past. Sorry Ray-haters, but I think you will have to "endure" more about him!:thumbsup:
Man that younger bowler was so rude to Sara. "I wasn't talking to you." *SMACK* (I know she couldn't smack him, but if it were me I'd be very tempted to smack the fire out of him lol).

Loved Greg's smile when he said "I knew that field trip would come in handy."

Ron-Ron? "What are yall doing up so early?" LMAO! Loved Nick's "get out of there". :lol:

Anyone know who Ray's vic is? Looks a little like Alexondra Lee from Special Unit 2, but I'm not sure if its her.

Brass tweets? LOL.

What is that song that played when Ray was in the lab looking at the house/car pic? Something like "it's your decision"....

Cheech LOL!

Nick: Going back to Cali? That's a good rap song.
Brass: Yeah, I'm channeling Notorious B.I.G. :lol:

Wendy with the little girl- that was cute.

Man that woman's crazy thinking that Chevy would ever date her again.

The "granny roll". :lol:

Wendy: Sara, that pin is flippin' you off." :guffaw:

Nick: Unfortunately its time to give the family a little ass-whooping.
Ray: Be careful Nick that you don't write a check that your ass can't cash. :lol:

(About Greg's bowling ball- I think it was Hodges that said it) "Someone's rear view mirror is a little lighter". :lol:

Greg blowing off his fingers after getting a strike = cuteness.

Fist bump between Nick and Greg= coolness.

Episode Grade A+ and then some.

Note about Ray: I wonder if the whole thing about them giving him the wrong shoes was supposed to be significant... like he's having to fill Grissom's shoes and they're not the same size or something? I dunno...

I liked Ray's case and how he wanted to find out why the woman killed herself over the verdict. But, the sister said she didn't kill the man and they just kind of left us hanging. Did she actually do it or not?