Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

This fic was inspired by the peoples at the sara/cath shipper thread. you guys rule!

Chapter one

Sara walked into her small house, and walked directly to the living room where she saw Catherine laying on the couch. Sara sat down next to catherine and said "Hey." Catherine's eyes opened and a smile instantly appeared on her face. Her hand came up to stroke Sara's cheek. "Hey you." Sara smiled and placed a kiss on her lover's lips. Sara got up and walked to the kitchen. "Want some dinner?" sara called from the kitchen. Catherine walked up behind her and placed her slender arms around her shoulders. "I only want to be with you." Catherine whispered in her ear. Sara turned around and placed her muscular, perfectly tanned arms around Catherine's waist. She pulled Sara to the couch.

As Catherine watched a movie on tv, Sara silently admired her. Catherine was laying on sara's chest, and sara's arms were snugly wound around Catherine's chest. Her heart beat softly against her arm. Sara lifted a hand and ran it through Cath's soft strawberry blonde hair. She was so gorgeous and she was all sara's. They both fell asleep in each others arms.

"GET THE HEL* UP!" Sara awoke to the sound of a man's gruff voice. Her browm eyes opened to the surroundings. "I SAID GET UP!" The voice said again. Sara turned her head and was staring down the barrel of a tech 9. She looked to the other side and saw catherine laying on the floor, moving slightly but her head was bleeding. It looked as if she was hit by the butt of the gun. A tear fell down Sara's face as she soflty said "Cath." The man's finger tightened slightly on the trigger. Sara closed her eyes and awaited the inevitable.
Hey girl that was so sweet to say that the Cath/Sara thread inspired you. Great job, but hope you don't leave us hanging for a long time. Please continue writing! :D
kay here we the way its true you guys did inspire me.

Chapter 2

Brass burst into the living room and pulled out his police issued 9 mil. "Put the gun down." He said. The man turned around and brass moved in closer. Sara's eyes burned with tears as she looked at Catherine. "Put the gun down." Brass said as he pointed the gun at the man. He dropped the gun and brass walked up to him and handcuffed him. Sara bolted off the couch and sat down next to Catherine, and held her close. After walking the man out to the black and white, Brass went to the kitchen and grabbed a dishtowel and handed it to Sara. "We need an ambulance here. Send an ambulance!" Brass said to dispatch. Sara held the towel to Catherine's head as the streatcher was carried in. "You can't come with her." The paramedic said as they loaded Catherine into the ambulance. "Im her girlfriend...i have to come." Sara said nearly in tears. "Fine." He said finally. Sara climbed into the ambulance and grasped Catherine's hand. "Oh god." Sara said softly. Catherine was motionless. Her bright crystal blue eyes that shone and twinkled every time Sara made her laugh, were hidden behind a veil of cloudyness. Tears fell from Sara's eyes as she held Cath's hand. She Wanted so badly to feel her squeeze her hand back. Sara didnt know what she would do if she lost the one person in her life that she cared about. As they neared the hospital, the pain that Sara felt for her one and only, made her heart hurt. It was so hard to bear.

At the hospital and after Catherine had the emergency surgery, she now lay in a bed in a recovery room. Sara had a firm but gentle grip on Cath's hand, and she had her head down. The tears that exited her beautiful brown eyes landed softly on Cath's hand. AS she lay motionless, Sara's mind was a flurry of thoughts. "I should have protected you." She said softly. "They should had killed me." As her head laid softly on her hand, Catherine lifted her hand, and softly stroked Sara's hair. " wasnt your fault." Sara lifted her head and finally saw those blue eyes that she would have died to see again. "Cath. im sorry..its all my fault." Cath shook her head and said " didnt do anything wrong." Tears continued to streak sara's face. Cath reached up and stroked away the tears that fell out of sara's eyes. "Im never going to leave your side...i promise." Sara said as she kissed Cath's hand.

cute huh...not done yet! i have a few more twists up my sleeve.
I did read it. That's why there's a post after the chapter. That's where posts go. After the chapter.

EDIT: And the chapter was superb. Keep it up, I can't wait to see more.
kay here's more.

Chapter 3

Grissom knocked on the door of the room. Sara got up and gently released Catherine's hand. It killed her to do it cause she felt so far away from her. "Hey griss." She whispered. Grissom smiled and his bright blue eyes glittered in the moonlight. "How is she?" He asked quietly. Sara dropped her head and took a deep breath. "Tired, she wont let me leave her side...not that i want to...but.." she babbled. Grissom smiled and said "Your scared for her...i can tell." Sara looked at grissom. He can see right through her. It was really strange. Gil was the second one that she would go to if something was bothering her. "Griss...i dont know how you do that...but thanks." Grissom grinned and hugged sara. When the hug broke, They walked to Catherine's side. Sara took a hold of Catherine's hand again and stroked her hair. It was like they shared the same pain. Sara felt it coarsing through her own body as she gently touched the bandaged injuries on Catherine's head. "Griss...i love her so much." Sara said softly. Grissom nodded and said "I know." After saying their goodbyes, Grissom walked out. Sara curled up on a chair with Catherine gripping her hand slightly. A blanket was tossed on her loosely and she fell into a sea of dreams.

She awoke in the middle of the night. or about 3:30 according to the side table alarm clock. "God im tired." Catherine's hand was losely in sara's hand as she tried to position herself in the chair again. "Well good morning." a voice said from the corner. Sara sat up and rubbed her eyes. "That voice." She thought. "Have a good sleep?" Sara reached for her 9 mil. "Don't even think of it...or ill kill your girl friend." He said sharply. Out of the corner came a shadow. "You killed my little im gonna avenge his death and kill you." Sara softly put Catherine's hand down on the bed and said "How do you know i killed him?" The gruff man chuckled and said "You are sara sidle right?" Oh crap. Instead of a tech 9, he wielded a ruger gp 100. It seemed that the man came to his senses to kill her with a hand gun. Less messy. He cocked the gun and shot once...right into Sara's side. Catherine awoke to the sound of the gunshot and footsteps running down the hallway. The man was gone. "SARA!" She said hoarsely. The tubes that were connected to her hands and arms were keeping her from moving around, but without even worrying about what would happen, she ripped them out. She got off the bed and dropped to the floor next to Sara who was bleeding pretty bad. "Oh god...who would do this to you?" A band of nurses came in and saw sara and catherine on the floor. "You have to get back in bed." one of the nurses said as the others wisked Sara away to the emergency room. "No i have to be with her. please let me go." Cath sobbed. The nurse led her to the bed and said "We'll take care of her." Catherine wiped some tears and said "When she's out, can you bring her into my room with me? i want to be with her." The nurse nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Catherine alone and upset.
Okay I have officially learned that you know how to create drama and angst. So fun how you keep making us hang on to see what is going to happen next. Keep it up girl!
aw! thank you ladysara! i read alot of fics and threads to get my imagination up....but thanks alot! i really apreciate's another update.

Chapter 4

Catherine laid awake with tears falling off the side of her face. Her eyes burned as she occasionally glanced at the clock. The bright red numbers blinked the time 5:45 am. "God i hope she's okay." Catherine noticed a piece of paper near her arm. She squinted to see the writing on it. "I'll be back." It said in very messy writing. Catherine laid back and put the piece of paper on the side table. She got her cell phone off the table and dialed Grissom's number.

Grissom: Grissom.
Cath: *crying* Gil, me and sara are in danger.
Grissom: do you know who is endangering you?
Cath: no that's the problem...we dont.
Grissom: ill do what i can.
Cath: thank you gil, i dont know what i would do if it werent for you.

Catherine hung up and laid back just as the nurse wheeled Sara in. Sara lay motionless in the bed next to her's as the nurse tended to the tubes that catherine ripped out previously. "Sara?" She said after the nurse had left. "Sara." no response. Catherine turned over on her side and looked at Sara. She knew that Sara was alive, she could see her chest moving. "I love would kill me if i lost you." Catherine said softly as she reached over and held Sara's hand. Catherine squeezed ehr hand softly and fell asleep hand in hand with sara.

The next morning, Catherine was free of the tubes, but she still had to stay at the hospital for observation. She got up out of the bed and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She looked at sara who was laying as motionless as she was earlier that morning. Sara's hand was usually warm, but it felt as cold as winter. " please no." Catherine said as she gripped sara's hand.

cliffhanger....gotta love em.
oh okay then i wont make people cry then. update!

Chapter 5

"Sara?" Catherine said with a hit of concern in her voice. She glanced at the heart monitor by sara's bed. It flat lined. The nurses rushed in with the electric paddles. "We can't lose her." They did their job and her heart rate came back. Catherine was sitting in the chair next to her own bed, crying her eyes out. "Oh my god." She said softly. when they left, they had stabalized Sara. Catherine walked over to her bed side and stroked her hair. To cath's surprise, Sara's eyes fluttered open. "Cath." She said softly. Cath's heart pounded harder in her chest as she heard Sara's voice. Catherine leaned in and kissed sara softly on the lips. "I almost lost you." Catherine said as the kiss broke. "I thought i would never see you again." Tears fell. Sara smiled and said "Dont here. Im not going anywhere." Catherine stroked away the tears. "Marry me." Sara said, causing Cath's heart to pound like crazy.