Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

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Drumchik said:
I think Bea would have been quite horrified by Evie pulling out a shotgun! ROFLMAO

I can totally imagine that :lol: Under a large coat and suddenly there's the shotgun :lol:

Happy Birthday Louise! :D I hope you have a great day with your family and with a lot of presents *giggles*
The picture I posted was form Gold in the Streets. Here is another one.

I only came back from Madrid late last night, totally didn't remember Louise's birthday and also missed the season premiere of season 7 on German TV.

Ah what a shame! It was GREAT, she was divine and she had good screening time. Loved it from the first to the last nano second :D
At the moment I can (re)watch season 7 openers all the first airing episodes and at the same time I'm stuck in the middle of the same season on another channel, so I fairly know what will come, but I like to watch

She looks so cute with that haircut :D

atfm, I swear I meant to save some drinks for you!
When I walked through Madrid, I kept on seeing girls in their school uniforms and realised that Louise, at some point, must have worn one, too. Funny thought, huh?
Now I've got that image in my head. Louise in a "Lost and Delirious" style uniform. Hmm...
It's still hard to believe that Louise is 37. She certainly doesn't look it.

And yes, Louise would have worn a school uniform at one time. Even more fun, can you imagine her going around her university to her English Lit classes?

LOL. CSI_Willows - Bea was horrified enough with Daniel and Alexander. I think Evie having a shotgun as well may have pushed her over the edge.

I saved brownies for everyone who's late *doles them out*
Glad I gave all of you nice mental school uniform images. ;)

Yay, brownies, thanks! ;)

I agree about her not looking 37. Definitely younger and SO. HOT.

s0ph1a said:

atfm, I swear I meant to save some drinks for you!

Yeah right. ;)
:D yeah nuts for L, her toothpick, THE WALK, her hands, her blue eyes and her smile! Did I forget something ;) ?
*brings in some Louise toys*

I found this written in the BBC7 Newsletter:

20th Century Vampire
A comedy you can really get your teeth into! This series chronicles the every day adventures of trainee vampire Eloise, her boyfriend Wayne and her eccentric Transylvanian vampire tutor Auntie Lucretia. Written by Joe Turner and starring Louise Lombard, William Ivory and Joanna Kanska. First broadcast on Radio 4 in 1993.
Wednesday at 11pm and 4am

That concept makes me giggle.

And some piccies I found here: http://mondoshawan555.livejournal.com/27338.html
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