Looking for new TV series to get hooked on

Like a couple who have already replied my pics for new series are the following:
The Closer (brenda cracks me up!)
Bones (very cool, CSIish drama, but also focuses on the relationships between the characters)
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (Because who didn't like Terminator? And it just rocks.)
And I've recently gotten into Joss Whedon's new series, Dollhouse. Very very different from anything he's ever done before: ie. Buffy, Angel, or Tru Calling. Check it out on Fox. I'm addicted to the series, but I hope FOX doesn't cancel it like they do pretty much every good series. Firefly comes to mind, also a Whedon production, incidentially, as does Dark Angel.

Oh, forgot one. And if you have Showtime, check out Californication. Absolutely brilliant. I used to watch X-Files when I was a kid, and David Duchovny was awesome in that, but this series is just bang up incredible. Funny as hell, raunchy to the max, and so completely different than what David ever did on X-files. I caught the premiere season one ep at a friend's house, got hooked and ORDERED Showtime so I could get my fix. Mind you it's an extra $10 a month.
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