Looking for new TV series to get hooked on

Also starting in April, a show called In Plain Sight will be back on for its second season. It comes on Sundays at 9pm central on USA. The first season is being repeated on another channel though I'm not sure which one. We have digital cable and over 200 channels. :lol: It was probably either the Sleuth channel or the Crime and Investigation channel. Anyway, the show is about US Marshalls who try to keep their witnesses safe (witness protection program). It's a very good show.
I highly recommend *Breaking Bad* on the AMC channel. It's really different. It's both quirky and dramatic. The acting is really excellent; Bryan Cranston won an Emmy for his role in this show. I got hooked after one episode last season. Watch the DVD's of the first season. You'll be hooked and ready to watch the 2nd season which starts in March, I think.

Other shows I like, not in any particular order:

Dexter (such wicked fun, often hilarious)
Criminal Minds (I just love "Hotchkiss" hahaha)
Torchwood (if you're open-minded and like sci-fi)
Eleventh Hour (Love it, too)
The Mentalist is my Mom's new fave show I think, but I like things about real psychics like Medium
NCIS (just love it but wish it was on later)

That's all I can think of for now...
I'm a fan of Heroes :D I know, the first two seasons weren't that good, but this third (and fourth) is sooo interesting. Ya never know what is going to happen next.

The Closer is good too. I don't know when they show it in USA, but in here they are showing the first season at the time. Awesome show :D And of course, if you are already obsessed with CSI LV, and CSI Miami, you should definitely start watching CSI NY too :D Haha, I also like to watch Pushing Daisies, even though I wasn't that into it when I saw it first time. It's soo colorful, and overly-happy and so on, that I had hard time getting used to it :lol:

// edit. Bones is a great show too! A crime solving show, but the focus is on character relationships.
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Have to say most of the shows i watch have been recommended.
- Criminal Minds

Gossip Girl - Its great if you just want to watch something easily its slightly addictive aswell without realising you will find yourself watching more.

House - Its just great, the relationships in the show are what i love House/Cuddy and the bizarrenes.

Pushing Daisies - I would recommend this because its so different its easy to watch, its about a guy who can bring people to life its so colourful. Though its ending after the last episodes air (if they ever do) but ever see it on dvd i recommend it.

- Without a Trace
- Scrubs
Lots of good ideas in this thread already. I have a few I also like quite a bit, including:

House on Fox, Monday Nights. Character Driven Medical dramaYeah, he's a world class jerk, but the show is hysterical.

Terminator, The Sara Connor Chronicles: shows Friday Nights at 8/7 Central on Fox. Picks up after the events of T2

Dollhouse: A new show on Fox, after Terminator. It stars Eliza Dushku, Faith from Buffy/Angel and Tru Davies from Tru Calling. It's about a young woman who is part of a top secret program where they take these young people and wipe their identities, then imprint them for anything that the client desires. It's very cool, and a Joss Whedon show, so you know it's good.

Saving Grace Mondays at 11:00 ET on TNT. A bit Raunchy, it stars Holly Hunter as a hard living, promiscuous Oklahoma City Police Detective as she gets an intervention from an angel named Earl and starts on a journey of redemption. There is bad language and some brief nudity, but it's not gratuitously done.

I know there's a House thread, but is there any interest in starting threads for any of the other shows I mentioned? If so, what about subtitles?
Also starting in April, a show called In Plain Sight will be back on for its second season. It comes on Sundays at 9pm central on USA. The first season is being repeated on another channel though I'm not sure which one. We have digital cable and over 200 channels. :lol: It was probably either the Sleuth channel or the Crime and Investigation channel. Anyway, the show is about US Marshalls who try to keep their witnesses safe (witness protection program). It's a very good show.
That's a great show! Mary Shannon is a great character. I can't wait for it to return.

Another good show that's soon to return is "Sons of Anarchy" on FX with Katey Sagal & Ron Perlman about a biker gang running guns in a town called "Charming". Gotta LOL at the irony in that.
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I highly recommend *Breaking Bad* on the AMC channel. It's really different. It's both quirky and dramatic. The acting is really excellent; Bryan Cranston won an Emmy for his role in this show. I got hooked after one episode last season. Watch the DVD's of the first season. You'll be hooked and ready to watch the 2nd season which starts in March, I think.

Other shows I like, not in any particular order:

Dexter (such wicked fun, often hilarious)
Criminal Minds (I just love "Hotchkiss" hahaha)
Torchwood (if you're open-minded and like sci-fi)
Eleventh Hour (Love it, too)
The Mentalist is my Mom's new fave show I think, but I like things about real psychics like Medium
NCIS (just love it but wish it was on later)

That's all I can think of for now...

I definitely agree with you on Dexter, Criminal Minds & Torchwood (in that order). I've only seen half of one episode of The Mentalist but I'm continually hearing good things about it, so I'll have to try to catch a few episodes and see if it lives up to the hype. NCIS is alright, but DiNozzo annoys the everliving crap out of me, so that always prevents me from fully enjoying it.

What about Doctor Who? Loooooove it! And as long as we're not sticking with strict dramas, what about Burn Notice? And Psych? The former is a great action/drama/comedy show with narratives and "spying factoids". The former is just good ol' goofiness.
Ginnna posted: I definitely agree with you on Dexter, Criminal Minds & Torchwood (in that order). I've only seen half of one episode of The Mentalist but I'm continually hearing good things about it, so I'll have to try to catch a few episodes and see if it lives up to the hype. NCIS is alright, but DiNozzo annoys the everliving crap out of me, so that always prevents me from fully enjoying it.

:lol: I think DiNozzo is kind of cute even though he's annoying.

What about Doctor Who? Loooooove it! And as long as we're not sticking with strict dramas, what about Burn Notice? And Psych? The former is a great action/drama/comedy show with narratives and "spying factoids". The former is just good ol' goofiness.

I really, really tried to get into Doctor Who, but for whatever reason, it just didn't click with me. I do like Burn Notice and Psych. I haven't watched them for awhile though. I can't watch everything. :lol:

Three other shows I like but forgot to mention in my last post--probably because I've forgotten to watch them so far this season--are Lost, Monk and 24.
Personally, I've been hooked on "The Beast" since it came out this season (A&E). It's really fast paced, and the character interaction between the two main characters is just spot on, really. And since it's only 5 or 6 episodes into the season, you can easily catch up watching on their own website. I can't do justice with my own description, but I'm sure the summary on the website will lead you in the right direction. (and yay for another Numb3rs fan!)
A really good show that I thought I wouldn't like at first is Supernatural, I watched one episode and was so thrown off and confused and ended up watching the complete first and second seasons :lol: Though you may not want to watch it since it comes on at the same time as CSI.
Ginnna posted: I definitely agree with you on Dexter, Criminal Minds & Torchwood (in that order). I've only seen half of one episode of The Mentalist but I'm continually hearing good things about it, so I'll have to try to catch a few episodes and see if it lives up to the hype. NCIS is alright, but DiNozzo annoys the everliving crap out of me, so that always prevents me from fully enjoying it.
:lol: I think DiNozzo is kind of cute even though he's annoying.

What about Doctor Who? Loooooove it! And as long as we're not sticking with strict dramas, what about Burn Notice? And Psych? The former is a great action/drama/comedy show with narratives and "spying factoids". The former is just good ol' goofiness.
I really, really tried to get into Doctor Who, but for whatever reason, it just didn't click with me. I do like Burn Notice and Psych. I haven't watched them for awhile though. I can't watch everything. :lol:

Three other shows I like but forgot to mention in my last post--probably because I've forgotten to watch them so far this season--are Lost, Monk and 24.

Eh, I can only ever get halfway interested in NCIS... and it was the same with JAG, for me. I think that anything originating from Belisarius Productions is, at the most, only ever gonna get one thumbs up out of two from me. But Abby from NCIS is absolutely adorable. Probably my favorite character out of anything in which Donald Bellisario has been involved.

I tried showing the first episode of the newly revived Doctor Who program to my sister and her husband, and they were probably entertaining thoughts of strangling me about 5 minutes into the episode. Yeah... the 2005 series started on a VERY goofy note but got much better. Did you watch any episodes with David Tennant? He's arguably the best Doctor out of the whole series, save for Tom Baker, who played the 4th incarnation of the character.

I've never seen more than 15 seconds of any "Lost" episode. I've seen the first season of "24" and I was content to stop there. "Monk" is good, though it can't hold my interest from episode to episode. I'll catch one, think to myself "hehe, yep, that was funny" and then forget all about the series for months at a time. *shrug* I just never cared all that much.
Eh, I can only ever get halfway interested in NCIS... and it was the same with JAG, for me. I think that anything originating from Belisarius Productions is, at the most, only ever gonna get one thumbs up out of two from me. But Abby from NCIS is absolutely adorable. Probably my favorite character out of anything in which Donald Bellisario has been involved.

Oh, I agree. She's a delight! :)

I tried showing the first episode of the newly revived Doctor Who program to my sister and her husband, and they were probably entertaining thoughts of strangling me about 5 minutes into the episode. Yeah... the 2005 series started on a VERY goofy note but got much better. Did you watch any episodes with David Tennant? He's arguably the best Doctor out of the whole series, save for Tom Baker, who played the 4th incarnation of the character.

I don't remember what the actor's name was. But it had just started on the Sci Fi channel, and I guess it was in 2005. And now that I'm thinking about it, yeah, it was the silliness of the episodes that turned me off. I had expected it to be a lot better.

I've never seen more than 15 seconds of any "Lost" episode. I've seen the first season of "24" and I was content to stop there. "Monk" is good, though it can't hold my interest from episode to episode. I'll catch one, think to myself "hehe, yep, that was funny" and then forget all about the series for months at a time. *shrug* I just never cared all that much.

That's interesting what you say about Monk because the same thing happens to me. I like the actor, I like the show, yet I forget to watch. It just doesn't become a *priority* to watch. But 24 I have been missing, and want to definitely start watching again. And same with Lost. I can't believe I've been missing it this season. I hope I can catch up.
The new CBS show The Mentalist with Simon Baker is awesome! Simon Baker is cute and charming and really brings the character of Patrick Jane to life. I can't get enough.
My reccomendations would be:

1)NCIS- This show is brilliant! Not only do you get the puzzle of the case each week but you actually have character interaction and very good characters they are! The team is led by Leroy jethro Gibbs who is a no nonsense "ex" marine. The team consists of Special Agent Anthony Dinozzo (a womanizer and joker but great detective) Timothy McGee (MIT graduate all round tech guy) and Mossad Liason officer Ziva David (you don't mess with Ziva!).There is lots of banter but the show can be serious when it needs to be. All in all a great all rounder :)

2) House- If there is one reason alone to watch this show it has to be the incredible Hugh Laurie who has created such a wonderfully complex character. The show is a medical drama with a Diagnostics team working on the medical mystery. The team is headed by Dr.House- a medical genius who has little time for manners and making people happy. Had an infarction in his right thigh meaning he is forever popping Vicodin pills to ease the pain-with other doctors aiding the diagnosis and treatment. The show focuses on the medical mystery with tid bits of character arcs, however, this works perfectly with the pace of the show. Another bonus to this show is House' one-liners. They are priceless!
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