This episode was boring for the most part. I ffwd through the opening golf scene.
Loved Superdave saying "a-oh" when Hodges held the shoe to his head. :lol:
"Mar Twain referred to golf as a good walk wasted."
"Each one is unique."
"Aww... like a snowflake." :lol:
Ray's comment about where the vic's ex's sister's prints were cracked me up. :lol:
Speaking of the sister, her and Nick had some nice chemistry going on there. Maybe they should hire this actress to play Nick's gf. :lol:
"Oh what can I say? I just like a man who hauls a big bag." :lol:
Laser girl. :lol:
Ray: Hodges. You wanna know what we're doing? I guess that means you found the primary crime scene. :lol:
"Don't drive angry." :lol:
Finally, the Greg and Sara scene. This is what I took away from it. A: Greg still likes Sara. B: He's checking for weaknesses in the GSR armor. Very interesting and slightly devious and calculating.
I remember in "You Kill Me" how he was annoyed with Grissom after Sara left. Then in "Family Affair" the way he asked Sara about enjoying her married life made it seem he was almost mocking it. Gil had better come back (to the show that is) otherwise Mr. Sanders is going to make a move on his woman. Which I wouldn't mind, actually...
I have to disagree about YKM. Just because it was Grissom that Greg said "yeah whatever" to doesn't necessarily mean he was annoyed or angry with Grissom. It could very well be that he was just plain ol' having a bad day.
Greg's tone in Family Affair about the marriage seemed like a friendly teasing tone to me. I don't think it was mocking at all.
As for the moment in the current episode, I saw it as Greg just doing his usual teasing of Sara. And there was also a little friendly concern there as well. He naturally doesn't want to see his friend get hurt. And I truly believe that Greg thinks of Sara as his best friend. I don't think Greg has any intentions of being second choice or rebound guy. Greg deserves much better than that! And I honestly don't think Greg would make the moves on a woman that he knows is married.
The only reason for that dialogue was for the writers to remind the viewers that Grissom and Sara are married and very much together (just like the NY writers constantly reference D/L being married- they don't want us to forget lol) despite her being in Vegas and him being elsewhere. GSR is the writers' pride and joy. They're not going to break up anytime soon I don't think. I could hear Nick saying the same things to Sara [that Greg said] in almost the same tone and I can even see that cute/sexy smirk of his as well.
It was a cute scene (even if it gets a little annoying when they constantly remind us that the two are married lol). I do think the writers have heard all of us wondering how Grissom and Sara could be together when they're so far apart and I think they used Greg's dialogue to assure viewers that GSR are still going strong despite the distances between them.