The golf episode is a prime example of why TV network executives are complete morons who can't see beyond the navels that they apparently spend all of their time examining, while not bumbling around on golf courses trying to impress each other with their shafts and balls, that is (both figuratively and literally). CBS broadcasts the PGA and LPGA tournaments, and several of their announcer "personalities" appeared in this episode, along with some low-level golf "pros" who were cheap enough to appear. The fact that the vast majority of their demographic for this show couldn't care less about the game known as The Scottish Revenge is pretty much borne out by most of the comments here (even some of the golfers here found the episode wanting).
Heaven help us if some network exec gets it into their thick skull that we want to see an episode featuring haggis being extracted from the Vic(s)-o'-the-week's stomach contents! At least they obviously don't read sites like this one (although, I'm sure that at least the most junior writer(s) do - but, they're captive to what the network execs calling the shots want). Bring back Chuck Lorre and his team to replace the network execu-duhs, at the very least!
Heaven help us if some network exec gets it into their thick skull that we want to see an episode featuring haggis being extracted from the Vic(s)-o'-the-week's stomach contents! At least they obviously don't read sites like this one (although, I'm sure that at least the most junior writer(s) do - but, they're captive to what the network execs calling the shots want). Bring back Chuck Lorre and his team to replace the network execu-duhs, at the very least!