Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Carmine_lover do you know if that's one of Carmine's actual headshots? Because it looks like a headshot.

As for his hair I wouldn't use the term bald yet. thinning is more like it. :p

Anyways, quick story! I went to see a student graduation show at Second City today(Second City is a theatre company that does a lot of improv and sketch). One of the games they played was scenes from a hat where in their case they had paper with lines that the audience had written for them on the ground. The point of the game is to pick random a random paper and read what's on it and make it work with the scene. Anyways my friend and I decided to use words that we didn't think they could pronounce. One had to do with Carmine just because we wanted to see what they would do to his name. It came out something like:

"CarrrrrmIne Geeeovaneetzo is my Italian stallion and beauty buddy" :lol:... I laughed.
Poor Carmine. His name is not easy to pronounce. :lol:
Has anyone seen these videos? I didn't know where else to put this up but Carmine features so please check it out heres the link to CSI FILES page! I can't view it here at work because YOUTUBE has been banned! So I'll be watching it much later in the sanctity of my
It's just a bunch of Danny quotes in his heavy, heavy NY accent. It's cute, but no interview footage or anything. Somebody at CBS was probably bored one day. :lol:
^^ Awww that sucks here I'm sitting anxiously waiting to see it. :( And hating all my colleagues who overdid it on YOUTUBE.
Oh and in other events I was sitting around reading a crappy TV magazine at the reception area today and I see a pic of Carmine in it and obviously I freak out according to the magazine The Learning Curve is on Friday night over here I haven't seen Carmine in anything besides CSI and Black Hawk Down so is the Learning Curve any good? Either way I'm kina looking forward to watching it. Please just tell me his in enough scenes or am I going to have to play where's Carmine like in Black Hawk Down.
If I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up for The Learning Curve. You will probably enjoy a few scenes in the first 20 minutes :D The idea of the movie was good, the realization sucks though. Watch it and see for yourself. The movie is perfect if you just want to stare at Carmine :d
Oh man, not "The Learning Curve"! :lol: I love Carmine, but that movie was kind of a waste of money at Blockbuster. I'm just glad he's moved on to better things now--and that his acting has improved. :lol: The Ugly Cry is the same, though. ;)
It's good to know his crying technique has improved since then. :lol: Compare that scene to the end of RSRD!
althea said:
^^ Awww that sucks here I'm sitting anxiously waiting to see it. :( And hating all my colleagues who overdid it on YOUTUBE.
Oh and in other events I was sitting around reading a crappy TV magazine at the reception area today and I see a pic of Carmine in it and obviously I freak out according to the magazine The Learning Curve is on Friday night over here I haven't seen Carmine in anything besides CSI and Black Hawk Down so is the Learning Curve any good? Either way I'm kina looking forward to watching it. Please just tell me his in enough scenes or am I going to have to play where's Carmine like in Black Hawk Down.
over where
I couldn't watch that scene. I stopped watching the movie right at that scene. My eyes literally could not take it! He has kept something from his youth in RSRD. It was a million times better, but still, it reminded me of that awful scene!
gypsy said:
althea said:
^^ Awww that sucks here I'm sitting anxiously waiting to see it. :( And hating all my colleagues who overdid it on YOUTUBE.
Oh and in other events I was sitting around reading a crappy TV magazine at the reception area today and I see a pic of Carmine in it and obviously I freak out according to the magazine The Learning Curve is on Friday night over here I haven't seen Carmine in anything besides CSI and Black Hawk Down so is the Learning Curve any good? Either way I'm kina looking forward to watching it. Please just tell me his in enough scenes or am I going to have to play where's Carmine like in Black Hawk Down.
over where

Gypsy I'm way over here in South Africa ;)

So the Learning Curve is a no, no then :lol: But I'll probably still give it a look I'm a sucker for punishment and for Carmine :lol: I'm with everyone else on the matter of Carmines crying :eek: when I saw RSRD for the first time and saw that ugly cry I knew I never wanted to see it ever again just like I never want to see the sailor picture again. I have rewatched RSRD a few times but I always stop the dvd right before he starts wailing. I was really relieved he didn't cry over Rueben in Child's Play. :lol:
So the Learning Curve is a no, no then :lol: But I'll probably still give it a look I'm a sucker for punishment and for Carmine :lol: I'm with everyone else on the matter of Carmines crying :eek: when I saw RSRD for the first time and saw that ugly cry I knew I never wanted to see it ever again just like I never want to see the sailor picture again. I have rewatched RSRD a few times but I always stop the dvd right before he starts wailing. I was really relieved he didn't cry over Rueben in Child's Play. :lol:


If you thought that the crying scene from RSRD is bad... wait till you see The Learning Curve :lol: :devil:
^^Haha, I was just about to quote the part about not wanting to see the ugly cry again and say 'well, The Learning Curve has the added bonus of either saliva or snot (or both?) in the scene.' :lol:

I really can't complain, though--I knew it sucked when I rented it, so I accepted the burden of whatever I'd see when I stuck it in the DVD player. :p
^^ Oh no guys snot and saliva?! :eek: :lol: :lol: I don't think I can watch it now! :lol: I've asked my boyfriend to stay up with me to watch it Friday night cause its coming on pretty late he gave me an overwhelming HELL NO! So its me and Carmine and the scary cry I'm afraid to see... :lol:
althea said:
^^ Oh no guys snot and saliva?! :eek: :lol: :lol: I don't think I can watch it now! :lol: I've asked my boyfriend to stay up with me to watch it Friday night cause its coming on pretty late he gave me an overwhelming HELL NO! So its me and Carmine and the scary cry I'm afraid to see... :lol:

Why do you hate your boyfriend? What did he do to you? You'll probably laugh at that scene.. It's not a scary's more of a gross cry :D
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