Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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His body language is so full-on, and that's such a turn-on. If it's not his hands, it's his eyes and eyebrows. Mmmmmmm
Thanks for all those yummy photos :)
Orison said:
^ It may be an effect of the glasses 'cause mine always look smaller. :) Speaking of glasses, I was hoping he'd change them this year but from the promo pics it looks like he's sporting the same one he wore in season 3...

I thought the baddies broke his glasses in the finale? I guess someone got him new ones, and made sure to get him the same frames.
This has just been posted at


Is it recent??

What is it with Carmine and hats?? :lol:
:lol: Aww, he looks quite cute, it's definately not the worst hat he's ever worn... Thanks for posting the picture Twinkletoes, according to the gettyimages site the picture is from an Emmy party Carmine attended a couple of days ago.
... did he shave off his moustache and goatee?


(The hat's alright. It's his shirt I have an issue with. Tighter, darling, tighter.)
I would have to say the first picture is much cuter. I could get past the hat – it wasn’t the fedora and the turtleneck, so it wasn’t that bad.

But the second picture? For some reason I wanted to shout out, “Grandpa!” then made the eerie realization that Carmine and my 95-year-old great grandfather own the same blue hat.

I’m not quite sure how to process this. :lol:

But oh well, it looks like he’s having fun and there was alcohol at hand.
The outfit looks okay for me; I guess we have seen better but we have definitely seen worse. I spotted the sailor suit pic somewhere in here so yeah that outfit looks rather fine. And it’s always nice to get some new pictures anyway. :D

But the second picture? For reason I wanted to shout out, “Grandpa!” then made the eerie realization that Carmine and my 95-year-old great grandfather own the same blue hat.
Then let’s be thankful forever that he doesn’t own the same hats as my 83-year-old grandfather… :lol:
I am so loving the tank top pictures they are bootifull, I'm thinking seeing how every season Danny's clothes keeps getting tighter and smaller they will have him in tank tops permanently in season 4.
Twinkletoes said:
If you ask me it looks like he's raided Bob Hope's golfing wardrobe... :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: That gave me a good laugh.

Huh. What if that is Carmine's golfing outfit? :p
From Carmine-fan

Ignore the outfit.. Ignore the hat, & focus on the pretty smile! I love his teeth. :lol:

Is he wearing the leash attacher?
I feel the sudden urge to squeeze his man-boobies...

Shut up, you know you thought about it. :eek:
:eek: I did not! My sudden urge is to get him out of that sweaterthing his wearing :rolleyes: and then to get to the squeezing. :lol: :lol:
Faylinn said:
I feel the sudden urge to squeeze his man-boobies...

Shut up, you know you thought about it. :eek:



Now I'll look at his chest and always think, "MANBEWBS!"


(Huh. Ya know, now that I look at those pictures again ... ya think he'll be up to some manboob comparing with Hill and Eddie?)
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