Lindsay Love Thread

Hey guys, remember last month when I said that in one of the local magazines around my area there was an article on Anna?

Well, I finally got a scanner (yay me! :D) and scanned the article for you guys.

Sorry if it looks as if half of her face is missing... The page was too big for my scanner.
Hey great article, Doreen.

Welcome back, CSINYRULZ.

CSIWatcher8---about the thing. My friend Zak says that the first rankings were from the writers (or staff people that picked the ladies to represent the shows), or something like that. Then it was up to the guys that go to that site to vote for their favorite. It was kind of cute what they said about there a That would be cool. :)
It's good to see you CSINYRULZ!! We've missed you so.. and your avvie too.. I love looking at that pic of Flackie.. :lol: