LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

05: The radial blur is distracting and a little too strong.
02: Mac's gun is blurred and draws the attention away from Mac himself.
03: The icon a little blurred.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

05. I liked the radical blur idea, but it's really just distracting in this icon.
01. Hm...I stared at this one for so long trying to figure out what it was...I think it's a combination of the coloring, and the crop. It just didn't work with the picture.
04. This was tough...but it's a tad dark, and oversharpened on her arm...mostly dark (love the mirror though, great job there)

BTW, I think 3 is one of the most beautiful icons ever. The saturation is brilliant, the sharpening perfect, and the cropping is genius. You are very talented, annonymous icon-maker. :lol: (So is everyone, this was very hard. You should all be proud) :)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

It was a really hard choice. It took me awhile to decide which ones where my least favorite of the bunch.
01. The placement seems odd, with Jorja on one side the left side is kind of "boring".
04. Maybe if you lightened some of the areas around her face there would be a better contrast between the two images.
05. The swirl is a just a bit too distracting & it takes away from the image.

Good job to everyone.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

05 - The swirl is distracting
02 - The blurry gun takes the focus away from Mac
04 - The image is blurry and dark
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

5.the radial blur is a but distracting and it takes away from the main focus of jorja
4.the blending on the side is out of place a little bit, and the icon opverall is a bit dark, but i love the idea you were going for
1.the cropping is great, but the icon itself is a little light, and could maybe need some contrasting around her features
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Before I vote, I'd like to say that all the icons are great and even though I'm about to pick fault with them (because the voices are making us ;)), the icons are tons better than anything I could ever produce.

My votes:

2 - The main focus of the icon, the gun, is a little blurry and distracts from the overall quality of the icon.

3 - I may be alone in this but the image appears a tad over-contrasted (if that is a word...)

5 - The radial blur that worked so well for the dreamy Calleigh icon does not work so well in the context of gun-toting Sara.

Sorry guys! :(
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

1 - the icon seems as it hardly had any color
5 - makes my head spin a tiny bit, lol
4 - blurry

great icons though, people :)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

5: The swirl effect doesn't suit this particular image
4: It's too busy I think...
2: Pink is not Mac's colour. Let me explain. In this particular pic, the colour pink doesn't seem to underline the suspence, the scene itself.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

05...the swirly effect is weird, almost out of place
02 i found thatthe cropping wasnt in the right place
03 the contrast of colour is too's too dark on dark

but you all did a fine job...we justhave to pick
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Thanks so much for being so patient guys, I'll have the results up as soon as I can get my Photoshop back. I just back from Mexico late last night around midnight :lol:
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

sure thing quoth. hope you had a great time away :)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Thanks Adz, I did :) And Chloe is just awesome because she offered to make the You Wowed Quoth banner for this one so like I said over MSN-- I love you eternally, Chloe!! :lol: :p

Challenge #8- Gun!Porn- RESULTS

by Cass and
by xgurl

Thanks for participating guys and hope you had fun! Looking forward to seeing you for the next one :)



This was a very difficult decision and I usually wouldn't do this but in the end it was a decision I felt I had to make. Adz, in truth you never fail to wow me but this icon was just gorgeous. The cropping was great (all of the focus on Sara, nothing left out) and the coloring absolutely blew me away. Great job.

(Thanks Chloe for making the banner ;))

01: 5
02: 16 (after tie-breaker with #4)
03: 3
04: 19 (after tie-breaker with #2)
05: 14

The next challenge should be up Saturday June 23rd. :) Great job as always everyone!
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Sorry to see you go, Cass and xgurl. :( You made it so far, congratulations!

BEAUTIFUL icon, Adzix. Good luck to everybody in the next round - you all deserve it and I can't wait to see all three pretty icons!

I love you too, Ann!! :D :D
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Sorry to see you go Cass and xgurl and congratulations on making it thus far. You guys really proved what amazing, talented icon makers you are and should be proud.

Adzix your icon blew me away. What skill! Amazing job, and congrats on WOWINGQUOTH. ;) :D
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Wow I never thought I would make it this far! I'm looking foward for the next challenge!
Congrats on WOWINGQUOTH Adzix!