LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

^^ That was what I was gonna say! :lol:

No restrictions - great choice of theme - unable to enter as got knocked out last round - boo! :p

However, I eagerly anticipate viewing all the entries. Great theme Quoth! :D
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Sorry guys :lol: My apologies :p

*huggles all* Wow, lots of hugs :D I do like hugs :p

Oh speed, I'm afraid you did just give me an idea :rolleyes: Nah, I'm not that kidding :p

Glad you all enjoy the theme! :D

PS: softcake, believe me, I looked for some Nicky pics but I couldn't find any good ones! :(
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

yay! i'm loving this one, hopefully it doesn't suck as bad as my last one did ha.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

softcake i love your Knut icon !! :D
He is such a cutie. :p
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

It's harder than I thought...Those pics are difficult to icon-ize...
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Mine pretty much sucks :( Sent it in anyway but i guess this will be my last round :lol:
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

I just sent mine. And Chez I too think this will be my last round :lol:

quoth I could have provided about a gazillion good Nick pics :D Maybe next time ;)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Ah, I've just finished my entry. This was so tough, I think it's partly because the pictures were so difficult to work with.

You see, we were fooled. We all thought Ann was being nice by allowing us to use all our tools, whilst she knew all along that we would definately need them! It's all part of her evil LIMS plan... :lol:

I am not at all confident about this round either! Good luck everyone.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Voting time :D

Challenge #4- Emotions Run High- VOTING

~ MissRoosFox and NickGregxTheLove are using their free passes for this round.

- Vote for top 3 of least quality. Include a valid reason for each vote, otherwise it won't be counted.
- Any member of this board may vote.
- The makers of the icons with the top 2 number of votes will be eliminated.

Examples of good reasons:
50: The text is oddly placed
68: The colouring is overpowering
72: The icon is oversharpened
56: The icon is too blurry

Examples of bad reasons:
50: I hate the colour pink. (Personal Preference)
78: The tiny text/decorative brush is unreadable. (Because they’re supposed to be that way.)

And yay, no restrictions other than animations this time :D

Here are the pretties!


Important!- PM me immediately if you don't see your icon.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

04 - the icon is too blurry.
09 - the detail is strange and the picture seems grainy to me.
11 - the icon is too uniform in colour.

Holy crap, that was hard. I actually stared at them for almost an hour. Really. They're all EXCELLENT, and it is now my firm belief that Ann (btw, why do we bold everybody's real name anyway? :lol:) is cruel. Picking the worst? Come on! It'd be easy to pick the best...but the worst?!

Ann...I'm going to get you. :lol:
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Tough choice!

3 - Odd cropping
7 - Too bright
4 - Blurry
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

04 - The texture is overpowering, makes the icon appear blurred
12 - The image is very grainy
07 - Very bright, the image has lost any contrast

That was so tough! Really, well done everyone!

And Chloe, it's bold to help you notice when someone is referring to you, just like when using user names. :p
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

04 - To blurry
09 - It looks to grainy
12 - Looks grainy and to dark

That was though :eek: