LIMS #6 Final Challenge!: 140x140 - Winners!

Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Now Up!

09 - Coloring is very odd
03 - To oversharpened, and the coloring makes their faces look odd
06 - It looks to oversharpened and the text doesn't fit the background... it hurts my eyes :eek:

01 - Good cropping and nice coloring
07 - Simply lovely
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Now Up!

9 - Overall the effect came out blurry
2 - Danny blends into the background, also blurry.
3 - Oversharped and the use of color makes the overall icon look odd.

Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Now Up!

09 - too much of a close-up, Stella's fac fills too much of the icon and the skin ofher face looks too smooth for my taste
04 - very simple. The icon lacks something special
10 - quite blurry and again, the close-up on Stella's face is kind of overpowering

07 - :eek: I simply love this icon! The whole effect looks very cool and it doesn't bother that Stella fades into thebackground.
11 - The color theme is worked in very well. The pic on the icon has the right size and the text goes well with it. Like the light effect in the lower right corner.

Very well done everybody! I hope to be able to join the next round of LIMS
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Now Up!

no more votes? i'm closing in a bit so if anybody thinks of voting better do it soon! :)
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!


09 - too blurry
03 - it's oversharpened and the coloring looks a little bit off
06 - it's a bit oversharpened


Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!

*rushes to get votes in*

9 - A bit too blurry, and the red is a bit overpowering
3 - The coloring seems off, and the text gets lost in it1
10 - Seems a little blurry

Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!

maybe my votes will still count :)


05. colours a bit too sharp
09. features of Stella's face not very distinctive
06. blue a bit overpowering

Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red&Blue ~ Results!

Challenge 3 Results

Graphic Tally

01 +---++
02 -+-+--
03 ---+------+------+
04 ----+++-
05 -++++-+-++-
06 --+-------
07 +++++++
08 ++++++++
09 --------------
10 +----
11 +-+-+++

Once again we have to say goodbye to 2 more artists. Icons which received the biggest number of negative votes are:

by MacsLovlyAngl
by Speed_Cochrane

I'm sorry to see you go but I'm hoping you'll join us for the voting and also come back for a Lucky Looser challenge soon. Congrats on getting so far! :)


It's a pleasure for me to announce that the very deserving Macayla has won the Voter's Choice Award with the most positive votes and receives the winning banner :) Congrats!

The Adz-Collapsed-In-Awe Award this time goes to CSISneaky who for one used Grissom (which made me biased, lol), but also incorporated a beautiful matching texture/brush. The face detail and sharpness are perfect! Lovely job :)
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!

Congrats to the winners.:)

Good thing I'm voted out. My computer went to the Computer heaven yesterday:(, and now I have to fight to use my sons, so this came at a perfect time. Hopefully I'll have my new one before the Lucky Loser Challange.;)

Thanks Adzix, for your patients and understanding with my questions.:lol::guffaw:

As for the rest of you LIMS GOOD LUCK:thumbsup:
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!

Wow thanks for the votes :D Congrats to CSISneaky, it's very lovely.

Sorry to see you both go, hopefully we see you back in the next one ;)
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!

MacsLovlyAngl and Speed_Cochrane, sorry to see you both go...

Congrats, Macayla and CSISneaky! :)
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Voting Open!

Aw it was fun while it lasted. :D

Congrats to the winners!
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Results!

Sorry to see you go MacsLovlyAngl and Speed_Cochrane !!! :(
Congrats Macayla and CSISneaky !!!! :)
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Results!

I thought surely my icon was going to be voted out. :lol: (Mine was number 4)

Congrats to the winners. And sorry to see you go speed_cochrane and MacLovlyAngl. :(
Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 3: Red and Blue ~ Results!

Congrats, Macayla and CSISneaky!
MacsLovlyAngl and Speed_Cochrane, sorry to see you both go.