Light a Candle

I lit one as well. I made sure to post the link for the site on my daytime soap message boards as well that I run. It's an important cause. Thanks for the link.

Take Care,
This site brought tears to my eyes. I had to turn away at certain parts. When I was younger I was sexually solicited online, but was only exposed to a fraction of some of the sick people that are in our world. I lit a candle. And I'll light another.
Aw Quoth that is so sad. If you can manage to share I would love to hear your story, to learn what to look out for. But of course I don't want to push you into anything. I am so so sorry.

That's what this site is about, that is what is important, to remember that this happens to everyone. Keep spreading the news, everytime I click on the site more people have "lit a candle"
Thanks :) But don't be sorry, because I'm perfectly fine. I was one of the lucky ones that knew better than to pay any attention to it. I was about 10, and I was on this messageboard my cousin had told me about for this fandom of ours. I had a name on there, and I was posting, and getting a lot of PMs from different people. This one person I had talked to periodically one day sent me a PM, and I didn't think anything of it until I opened it up and read what it said. Afterwards he sent me another message claiming his brother had sent it to me when he had left his computer to get a drink. My mom told me to no longer talk to the guy, and after that nothing else like that happened.
That's good that nothing else happened, you were saved by the bell. It's really sad, I wish more people would pay attention to things like this, but everyone is so caught up in their own little world!

Thanks everyone who has posted, you have already made a difference in the world, every little thing helps. :)
I just lit a candle...I'll spread the word...Something so important cannot be kept low-profile...
Thank you for posting the link...
i was abused by my mom from the age of 6 to the age of 16. i was afraid to go to anyone, because, even the cops, believed my mom when she said it was "childhood injuries". now at the age of 17, ive developed a thick skin, and will do anything to help kids in need.

i don't have a candle, but i do have a lighter, if that works.