Light a Candle

I'm so sorry obsession. Nobody should have to go through that.

Actually the candles are online so all you have to do is go to the site and follow the instructions.
I just lit a candle. The Toronto Police have a very good squad to combat Child Abuse on the internet. Recently there was a report of a police officer talking to a father as he abused his child while online. Fortunately the guy was nabbed with the help of 3 police forces.
I lit a candle and hope it give more help for the childs.
It´s an good idea and i´ll give these page to my friends.

obsession_360 said:
i was abused by my mom from the age of 6 to the age of 16. i was afraid to go to anyone, because, even the cops, believed my mom when she said it was "childhood injuries". now at the age of 17, ive developed a thick skin, and will do anything to help kids in need.

i don't have a candle, but i do have a lighter, if that works.

Aw that's is online like someone said, but you have a good idea too! Now everytime I really light a candle I'll think of this!

I am so sorry this happened to you. :( Stay strong!
People can be so disgusting. Ive lit a candle. The problem wont just solve itself, but with our support, I hope there'll be a better future for the children and hell for those monsters.
i lit a candle too
SidLer right the problem wont solve its self but if enough people join together then something can be done about it