Let's Talk Video Games

The Godfather on PS2...greatest video game of all time. Ok except maybe for Medal of Honor Frontline.
Favorite games ever...
Duck Hunt:lol:
original Super Mario
CSI Games
Def Jam Fight For NY
WWF-E Smackdown series
WWF-E Raw Series
WWE Smackdown vs Raw Series
The Davinci Code
Tomb Raider!!!

I love Guitar Hero 2! I've been playing all kinds of Guitars since I was 5, that's when I started taking lessons. I'm about to turn 25 and have recenlty learned how to play the drums and keyboard, I do it just for fun now, but who knows. I can play the guitar solo from Freebird from heart and my brother and me goof around some times and play Sweet Home Alabama together, me on guitar him and a couple friends on other instruments and singing. We have a bunch of fun. I just got done playing Only God Knows Why...I've been fiddling with my guitar a lot due to my crushed foot...

Who else would you like to see in Sim Form? You don't have to have The Sims, just tell me who you'd like to see and I'll amuse you with my 'lack' of skills.

And just for fun:
Nikky JamezThis is almost exactly like me, I just couldn't get my nose right.
MatthewThis is my boyfriend, Matthew, even though he wants to be called Matt. I sometimes call him Matthew, just to make him mad. But secertly I'm imagining that he's Matthew McConaughey :rolleyes:

Come on, I'd like to hear your requests, I work best on celebrities!!!
Here's my newest sim:
Good Penelope Cruz?
whoa! that actually looks like exactly like her. Thats awesome!Haha you should do britney spears and k-fed!

Just Last night i found one of my old nintendo games i was so excited. except i feel like a loser because the game is pokemon stadium. Its so fun though!
I tried to get my SNES work but I didn't :( I don't remember anymore how to set those... I was as excited when I got my old comp to work and played with all DOS-commands... I don't think you guys are DOS generation, are you?
I present to you Britney Spears, sorry, No Fed-Ex!


I don't have enough patience to look at a picture of him long enough to get it right :lol: I can't stand him at all. Any more requests.

I still play Duck Hunt now, I've read that they're planning on doing a new version :D. Duck Hunt Rocks!
Not right now, but I have in the past. Tell me what your problem is, and maybe I can help. :)

(bets it has something to do with the damn alarm system)
@Ali: It´s I´m stuck. Actually I don´t even know the name of the level. But lemme try describing it.

My scene should be the one shortly before you gotta kill Nikolaze. The scene shows a wide place. If you keep on the left side you pass some houses until a clip with Nikolaze is played.
Moving on (still left side of place) you arrive at a veranda protected by a guardian.

If you hide now and look to the ride side of the place you see a high wall with a gate, which has a (bulletproof) camera on it. Additionally you can see a guardian-house and a second guardian patroling in front of the gate.

You remember such a scene or maybe a similar one?
Is that the Presidential Palace level? It's been literally years since I played that game.

Tell ya what, here's the link to a walkthrough. You might have to do quite a bit of reading to find where you are. Click here.

If you're still struggling, try and give me some more details and I'll do what I can. I hope that was somewhat helpful though. :)