Let's Talk Gay

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Yeahh, it's not the C word to do with boys, lets put it that way :lol: It's the bad, bad, bad C word.

Pressure sucks. It gets you to do stupid things you don't want to do, just to make someone else happy. It bothers me, because sometimes you don't even realize you're doing it.
Pressure definitly sucks.

I once used to be pretend I was straight. I dated several guys (did some more stuff with them too.. if you get the picture..) but I realised it really wasn't my thing. It just didn't feel right. Being with a man didn't feel right, lying didn't feel right either.

Once I came out as being gay, I felt better. But around people started asking "are you sure?" YEAH! I am sure.. Its been a few years and luckily everyone accepted me. But the process of finding out who (I dislike the term "what") you are, is long and confusing..
Pressure is the worst, without a doubt.

I'm comfortable with both genders. Somedays, I think I'm really into my boyfriend. Like when we kiss I enjoy it, but than the next day, I'm like repulsed by him calling me. But I've never had a serious longterm girlfriend. I mean I've kissed girls and not like drunken kisses and I feel grat the next day.

Sometimes, I think I'm really messed up and alone but than I come here and I feel so much more comfortable with myself.
wow i have just found this section on the forum and i just feel so comftable in here already.
I thought i was straight, then bi then gay then bi then straight but as my mate says dont put yourslef in a box you dont have to have a label. I only talked to a couple of my gay mates about how i felt and they were all good with it. Then my mate said he really liked me and as soon as i said sorry but i think i'm into girls the feeling just stopped like all i want now is a BF/husband/kids the whole 9 yards, like saying outloud made it all go away which i know doesnt happen but its just really odd.
Me gay mate always said i looked gay since she first saw me and is always offering me a towel cos 'Denial isnt just a river in egypt'

I really want to get married so i kinda think is there any point being gay 4 just a bit?? I also dont think i could tell me folks, i mean they say there cool about anything but we all know parents right?!

Ahh sorry for the long msg just feels good to share with my CSI buddies xxx
Tell me about coming here and being comfortable with yourself :lol: Any time I talk about being gay with some of my friends, they get all "time to change the topic" on me :lol: Some of them don't, but in this thread, people don't generally try to change the topic, and if we did we'd get in trouble :lol:

Pressure does suck. It's stupid, and one of the biggest things that will make you decide what you're going to do in situations.
Imperfect said:
It's the bad, bad, bad C word.

That disgusts me. It really, truly does. I've been called a bitch a number of times but this really goes too far.

I think this just makes that girl even more immature and childish, especially because she's bisexual herself :rolleyes:

Pressure can really suck. For me right now I've come to a point where I've just decided not to come out unless I get a girlfriend in the near future. My family is definitely not ready for that bombshell :lol: I think my mom's family would be relatively okay with it but my dad's family-- especially because they still think I'm 7 :rolleyes:-- would have the most trouble with it, mostly because it goes against everything they believe in (religiously).

I'm Christian but there are tons of things within my own religion I disapprove of. I do not believe God hates gay people. He created us and loves us regardless of our sexual orientation. What drives me nuts is these 'gay-straight' convertors :rolleyes: I swear, some of the things they say has me in stitches. Watching Will & Grace is a sin? Well then I guess Debra Messing and everyone else who were on that show are screwed :lol: :rolleyes: :p
This is completly off topic but:

Ive posted about a friend of mine who is gay before and i have some sad news. His grad which he was extremly excited for ended up being the worst night of his life. The entire night he had many people calling after him and hos boyfriend things like "F***ing Fags" and "Get a romm F****ing fags!!" when they were just holding hands. It breaks my heart to think that a night that was supposed to be amazing ended up really upsetting him. It makes me sick that people get away with saying things like that. It bugs me to even say a lot of those words like fag and dyke, but when people just throw them around like its nothing, it just makes me sick, and i wonder what the hell has become of this world...im starting to hate it.
That sure is stupid! People can be so wrong sometimes. They have absolutely no idea what it can do to a person when they say things like that.
And why should they get a room?! I mean, do they also scream that to all the straight couples holding hands?! Its so not fair!

I don't know you, or your friend but stories like these just wanna make me come over there and teach them all a lesson. Graduation party? I don't think those people are done learning yet...!
That upsets me so much! It makes me want to cry in anger. Graduation is supposed to be a special, fun night, not the worst night of your life! Aghhhh, I hate that soo much. I wish I could beat all those people up! But umm, I don't really know your friend, and they'd probably kick my ass. But aghh! See, this is where the unfairness comes in!! They didn't DO anything wrong, they were holding hands!!! Aghhh, I agree, I do not know what's going on in this world today, but it is not good.
Seems this world is just going to hell. And no matter what religious freaks have to say; its not our fault cause we're gay. Its the fault of those human beings who judge without knowing, who close their eyes to the truth and let themselves be blinded by hate and ignorance.
If people would be more open towards others and would respect someone for who they are, it would be better.
I don't expect everyone to accept I'm gay. Acceptance and respect are two difference things. You can still respect someone as human being and still don't aprove of their lifestyle. I hold the proove myself.

I am emailing with this conservative Christian girl from Tennesee. She does not approove me being gay, and she tells me so, but she does respect me for being a human being. And we often wondered that if me and her can get along despite of all our difference, why can't the rest of the world? Are they really that stupid? :confused:
SaraSidle_girl said:
I am emailing with this conservative Christian girl from Tennesee. She does not approove me being gay, and she tells me so, but she does respect me for being a human being. And we often wondered that if me and her can get along despite of all our difference, why can't the rest of the world? Are they really that stupid? :confused:

I agree. If you two get alone then that is an example for everyone else. I think some people are really stupid because they just look at the fact that you are gay and don't take the time to really get to know you. They only care that your gay and so they reject you.
Sorry, My computer's being slow so I can't quote..
SaraSidle_Girl, I totally get what your saying and agree. I'm no longer Christian, but when I was, I always questioned that, I mean if God makes us who we are than doesn't he make us gay?

For people not to talk to each other, over something as lame as sexual orientation, is the lamest thing ever. Being gay shouldn't have an effect on your friendships
Being gay over frendships is horrible. I lost a friend to it, (as many of you heard last year) and we're still not very good friends. It's messed up.

I used to be a type of Christian I would call it. I actually used to be Mormon, and to be honest, it scared me, because I apparently did everything wrong, cause I drank coffee, didn't mind drinking alcohol, swore, wore a bikini, and didn't have anything against gay people (although I used too, but things change, aha) and then my therapist pointed out that I might be questioning myself, then I was like "woah, I'm in a freaky religion, that says I do too much wrong, and now that I'm not a freak against gay people, this chruch sucks! I quit!" and quit the chruch. I still get mormon missonaries at my door telling me that if I will come back they will fix me. I reply with "Not broken, no thankyou" and slam the door. Ahaahha.
CatherineWillows said:
I still get mormon missonaries at my door telling me that if I will come back they will fix me. I reply with "Not broken, no thankyou" and slam the door. Ahaahha.

I hate it when people belief they can actually fix you. Religions tend to believe something is wrong with you and you need to be cured from your gayness. And I hate it when they appear at your door and try to force you into their religion. Jehova's Witnesses (what exactly did they see? I never got that...) have that same nasty habbit..
They usually say "I am here to bring you the light" And I go like "fine. Put it down. I'll unwrap it later. Bye"

I used to think that me being gay was a secret at work but when my girlfriend and I broke up, I found out everybody pretty much knew. A public secret :cool: Nobody really asked me about it though. Not many. A few did. Seems that they just think "don't ask, don't tell"
Why not just ask me about it?! :eek:
My church used to have youth groups which I attended, weekly. People used to speak out against swearing, smoking, drinking, sex, and gay people. I mean much more but that's it. One week I just stopped going because it hit me that God can't tell me how to live my life. If I want to love a woman, have a beer, say the F word, and smoke a cigarette that's my business and no one else's.

I hate those sex consulors who believe once your gay you can just go back to straight. Who comes up with that? I mean seriously. It's not like one day a person wakes up and is just no longer attracted to people of the same sex. People are SO naive.
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