Let's Talk Gay #3

You will be missed around here. I'm sure you have your reasons though. Feel free to lurk though, and know that you're always welcome to come back.

On a side note: I just watched CSI in French with my girlfriend, that's like the gayest language ever, everyone sounded so gay. :lol:
Awe Berylla Nienna Imma miss you! And I'm sure everyone else will, but come back if you want :).

I can't speak French. I have also never watched CSI in french :lol:

I have been so bored latley. Nothing exciting or gay has happened to me so far. Then again...it's only Monday :p. Allie has been super busy working so I haven't seen much of her, and I've been busy not working (I am jobless...and quite desperate :p)
Berylla Nienna you will be missed! you're always welcome back!

well CSI in french would be interesting :lol:

sooo nothing gay has happened lately, i just wanted to tell Berylla Nienna i will miss her :p
hiii!.. I'd really like to join this nice conversation..
well, I'll introduce myself:
I'm 15, gay, jewish.. so I have lots of good stories..

Today at school (hebrew school) we went to this thing where we had activities with students from another hebrew school and there were lots of young jewish boys and girls.. xD
Soo.. I was really bored, but there was a teacher(12 yrs older than me, jewish, straight) and I have a huge crush on her. She's just so cute with me and we're friends, and she know's I'm gay.
Soo.. she was bored too and she asked me to go with her to the bathroom (a wave of dirty thoughts went through my mind), I obviously said yes. In the bathroom, nothing happened, besides her peeing and my standing in a corner patiently..
Then, when we were walking back to where all the people were, she grabbed my arm, dragged me and whispered: "hey, I'm gonna find you a nice jewish boy.."
I said: "nooo.. but you know I don't want to.."
She said: "yes you do.. let's go over there.."
I said: "you're just like my mom.. she always does this[shows me guys even when she knows I'm gay, though I haven't told her]"
She said:"yeah.. my mom was like that too.." and laughed

ohh.. I just love the way she is.. she's so fun and cute, but nothing will ever happen..

that's all for today.. hope you understand my story.. I had to translate the dialogue, because it was originally in spanish ;)
Hey and welcome, Fran. Sounds like you had fun, although I'd be personally offended if someone who knew I was gay would still try to set me up with a guy, it's a little disrespectful, imo. But don't we readily forgive our crushes for that kind of faux pax? ;)
Hi Fran, welcome. My first crush was a teacher too...

I have to agree Mia, it's sooooo annoying.
Yesterday my friends and I came back from lunch and we made fun of how I should just take the next person that walks by. But they were always saying 'he' and I was like: "Wtf, you know I'm gay!"
And then one of them said: "And you really don't find men attractive at all???"
And I was like: "HELL no!!!"

And then we had a rather abstruse conversation about naked men and naked women. :lol:

oh yeah, there's another girl at my school that I like. She's in 12th grade (I'm in 13th), so we only have basketball together. She is really cool, and fun, and open-minded, I think. :D
I was thinking about adding her in icq some days ago, but then I thought: 'Nah, I should not force myself onto her.' :rolleyes:
But then yesterday she added me. :lol: That was cool...
I wasn't offended cuz we always joke about it. We have a really cool relationship: she treats me like a friend, not like a student (except in tests, of course). She's just soo cute!!!..
I wish teacher crushes worked out, but than I don't. Because teacher student relationships are always super screwed up in the end. :(

I love women. Like really, I like men but lately they've repulsed me. The way the walk, talk, and act. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not a man hater, but I can't stand 75% of men lately.

My girlfriend never seizes to amaze me! We're going to a party tonight than going to back to her dorm, but that's not the most amazing part. Last night, she met my family! They love her, of course they don't know she's my girlfriend but it was still sweet :D
Brr...I is cold!

My girlfriend is so cute. She always plays with my hair :p. Haha, it's funny, cause we haven't told anyone about this, and we always do these little things like that, and no one catches on. I must be friends with idiots or something :lol:.

I have never actually had a teacher crush. Like, I have been like "oh my god, she is so cute" but I've never actually crushed on a teacher. *Sigh* I'm so boring :p.

To me, girls are better then guys. But this is an opinion of a gay girl :lol:. Every guy I ever dated (now that I look back) treated me horribly. If I ditched them I was horrible, but if they ditched me I was overreacting. So yes, I like girls anyways :lol:.
I love it when my gf plays with my hair. It always relaxes me.

I find men totally unattractive. I can say a man looks good but other then that... URGH! Hairy legs, a body with no shapes and curves and anything... YUGH! :rolleyes:
What's that with the hair touching? My girlfriend does it too and I find it quite irritating... I hate anything or anyone touching near my head... so confusing... I play with her curls though, she likes it :lol: girls are so weird...

I have never actually had a teacher crush. Like, I have been like "oh my god, she is so cute" but I've never actually crushed on a teacher. *Sigh* I'm so boring

That's so me! I love teachers, really. I've always had favorite teachers who I find funny and cute, some even good looking, but I never had a teacher crush. It seems like a popular thing to do for girls but I never knew why... Teacher's aren't supposed to be in your fantasies and daydreams, they're the ones to grade you and teach you! I always felt that falling for a teacher would be like falling for your best friend's mom or something...

I find men totally unattractive. I can say a man looks good but other then that... URGH! Hairy legs, a body with no shapes and curves and anything... YUGH!


I don't hate men in any way, it's just that everytime I see one, especially one who's accompanied by a girlfriend, I ask myself "Why would anyone want to kiss a creature that grows hairs in the face and smells like a man?" I don't like the smell of men at all, even when they're showered and all, it's still men.

I don't even hang out with any guys, I have a few very loose male friends, but that's about it. I just can't find a common ground with them...
I don't dislike men at all, probably just the smell and the hairy legs. I have more guy friends than girls. They're just really fun to talk to. I love talking about girls with them. It's cool because when I talk about girls with my gay guy friend, he just gets so bored.

I see my opinions are a little different than yours.. maybe it's just this country I live in.. xD
I don't like the hairy legs. It's weird. They're skin is rough and they have stuble on their faces. It just doesn't appeal to me. I have a new slogan for life 'I'm not a man hater, I'm just a woman lover.' :D

Last night was really fun but today I had a killer hangover. :rolleyes: It wasn't fun, I didn't even go to school. My girlfriend thought it was hilarious, and I was like You're an evil person :D
ahaha omg Ashley i love your slogan :D

Welcome Fran!!!!

well i am going to comment on a bunch of things because i haven't been on in a couple days :p

sooo, i have never had a crush on a teacher either, though at the moment i think my one teacher is really hot.

i love playing with my girlfriend's hair! i love it when she plays with mine too. which is really weird because i hate people touching my hair. i think my friends are idiots to not catch on yet :lol:

as for liking guys, well i thought one guy i saw at work (he was a customer) was okay looking, but then he talked and i am pretty sure he was gay :lol:. but meh, girls are hot! guys just aren't (no offense to anyone). I hate the smell of man :p it is soo gross to me! my mom's boyfriend has all his stuff in her room and i just can't stand the smell sometimes. as for the hairy legs, i also think they are gross ;lol: